Race Winner
I stand by my 'silly statement with little knowledge'. My annoyance came from Dario Resta referring to a usually effective safety device as ridiculous structures. Clearly they're not ridiculous, they're a very sincere effort, which included a lot of hard work and testing, to make the cars safer. You were right Fenderman when you stated the redesign was meant to minimize the chances of that kind of accident. Minimize being the key word, in other words not total. As I said nothing can be 100% and there are occasions when the speed and angle of impact will deem them ineffective. I just find it unfortunate to say the least, when people with little knowledge level criticism at those who are trying to do their best to make the cars as safe as possible, especially when a drivers lying in hospital. I had already referred to Dan Weldon's input into the new Dallara and should also point out this was far more significant than mere bodywork shape. The entire survival tub was redesigned which is why some have said the work Weldon did probably played a major role in saving Franchitti's life. One last point before the F1 community, including F1 fans, become too precious about F1 safety, the redesign of the cockpit of the Formula 1 cars, providing the drivers shoulders and heads with far better protection after the Senna tragedy, came directly from Indy cars. It's fair to say Indy cars have been far safer than F1 cars for many years, the tracks are where the problem lies and probably always will.
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