BBC to axe F1 from 2013? Confirmed - F1 will be on Sky from 2012

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Is it me or is this a bit confusing? I assume the BBC & Sky used Lawyers to organise, draft & sign the agreement for 2012? So I take it someone added in the specifications of what a re-run was, cause it's a bit important for the BBC to know how long a program is, so they know when to start the next programme? :o Not rocket science, it would be a very simple part of the document, "the BBC hear-by agree to.......".

So either Bernie is talking out his backside as someone in the BBC would have a signed document confirming full re-runs or the Lawyers for the BBC has screwed up big time by not documenting the specifications on the re-run programme.

If we have the later, then of course Sky, F1 & CVC will be putting pressure now on the 'BBC product' to make their own product look better to bring in the customers! So with Bernie saying 75 minutes, I think we know that the BBC lawyer(s) have screwed up.

Personally I'm at a juncture with F1, my head is a bit cloudy on what I'm going to after 30+ years of watching the sport when it goes to Sky?

Oh, has Jake Humphreys or the BBC F1 program said anything about the coverage in 2012?
Looks like the BBC have a time machine ready for F1, maybe this is how they are going to get the races before Sky.

I know this is probably a lost cause, but an update on the govt. petition - 30,050 signatures. 30,051 signatures. It is the 7th most popular e-petition.
Well, I've finally done it; I've bitten the bullet and just cancelled the Sky Sports 1 add-on from my Virgin Media package, saving myself £14.50 per month. Ironically, on the very weekend that all the Sky Sports channels are free, as a taster to try and attract new subscribers.

So next season I'll be restricted to watching half the season live and half on re-runs, whatever form they take, while having the satisfaction of knowing that I will no longer be helping to further line the Murdochs' already bulging pockets.
To be honest I don't think I'll be missing much; I increasingly find myself skipping the one hour (or 50mins) build-up, which is mostly re-caps of practice and qualy which I've seen already, and a few 'filler' pieces, then the grid walk which I'm getting a bit bored with nowadays. So I just tune in for the race and maybe some of the forum if I don't have more pressing things to do.

Sad, for one who has hardly missed a Grand Prix since about 1968, but there's no way I'm giving Sky a further £270 a year (£354 for HD) on top of my licence fee and on top of my existing Virgin Media TV package, just to watch 10 F1 races.
Now that's what I call direct action. Hit 'em where it hurts - in the pocket and the ratings. :goodday:to you Chad. I'm not a Sky subscriber and never will be

BBC and Sky take note. we, here. may be at the thinner end of the wedge but the mallet really is bashing the fat end..

^^^^^^ This.
I liked the post, but I thought I'd actually say that I agree with that which you wrote, 100%! :yes:

Well, I've finally done it; I've bitten the bullet and just cancelled the Sky Sports 1 add-on from my Virgin Media package, saving myself £14.50 per month. Ironically, on the very weekend that all the Sky Sports channels are free, as a taster to try and attract new subscribers.
... snip ...
Sad, for one who has hardly missed a Grand Prix since about 1968, but there's no way I'm giving Sky a further £270 a year (£354 for HD) on top of my licence fee and on top of my existing Virgin Media TV package, just to watch 10 F1 races.

And Chad, :goodday:to you sir.
I have solved it. FREE sat TV with Sports channels. AND free accommodation AND all your meals cooked and paid for. No council tax, free heating, all the playstation you can handle AND readily available recreational drugs.
Its so simple..... Do something 'a bit naughty' then hang about till the rozzers turn up and say 'It was me guv its a fair cop.'
Then you will be whisked away to paradise.
I have solved it. FREE sat TV with Sports channels. AND free accommodation AND all your meals cooked and paid for. No council tax, free heating, all the playstation you can handle AND readily available recreational drugs.
Its so simple..... Do something 'a bit naughty' then hang about till the rozzers turn up and say 'It was me guv its a fair cop.'
Then you will be whisked away to paradise.
I despair at this country sometimes, I really do! :rolleyes:
So we wont have Brundle or Crofty on the BBC races if they go to Sky?

Still not buying Sky Sports. Just a rip-off to watch the 10 or so races the BBC cant show live. I wouldn’t buy Sky Sports if it was 100% on sky as I don’t follow any other sport, that would be the end of my F1 days:disappointed: should be grateful I’ll get half a season really?! :thinking:
So I have been looking for the date that the culture, media and sports committee will hold the meeting over the F1 rights. The MP Don Foster is the main man in this meeting and I have been looking at his web site. I am very sorry to say that it looks like it may not happen. I have copied an extract from his web site below and posted the link.

I am now feeling rather let down :( and angry >:(

Don will meet with the Head of BBC Sports but, as with his discussions with Bernie Ecclestone, it may be that he is barred from making public the outcome.
It is hoped that when the House of Commons culture, media and sport select committee meets, in the near future, with Mark Thompson and the BBC Trust chairman, Lord Patten, to discuss governance issues, questions will be asked about the F1 deal. However, this is a matter for the committee on which Don Foster does NOT sit and, currently, the indications are that the matter may well NOT be raised.
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