BBC to axe F1 from 2013? Confirmed - F1 will be on Sky from 2012

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I suspect Auntie has adjusted her corset in the face of the F1-public-fans-outcry ... and bloomin' right too (anyone got an indignant smiley? One needed here).
If this news is true, then it's good news indeed! :)

Thats good news. I hope they don't just have it as a rolling thing like the classic races though or you'll have to guess when to come in.

Also hope its still available on Iplayer

If it is though then its not as bad as we feared.

As you say though Rasp, it will take a slight bit of co-ordinatory time-sinking to get the start right. But even so, hopefully the Beeb have pulled back from a full kick to the nads...
I don't tweet eiher, but if you're extremely nosey (like me) you can still access them by googling. No word yet.

Also, I think the govt. looked at the petition, found out it has nearly 25000 signatures, and decided to take some action.
Well, as "Yes Minister" taught us, no MP can afford to pass up a potential vote-winner.

It would be a real fillip if the Government actually stood by all it's recent anti-Dingo posturing and found some way to block the Sky F1 deal. At the moment, they're just after clarification of how the deal came about, but if there's shadiness & skullduggery involved, then it's possible they could find a way to annul the proposal.:thinking:

It wouldn't be so bad if the BBC were to show a time-delayed full-race re-run on the evening of the GP though - I'm sure there are thousands of spouses up & down the country who'd be delighted that at least some of their Sundays could be reclaimed during the season...;)
Well, I stand corrected. They've posted a link to the Daily Mirror article in the F1 Gossip section.

I mean, really? Your DIRECTOR GENERAL is being quizzed by MP's and you relagate any mention of it to a gossip section that links to a tabloid newpaper article about it? I despair.
Why so surprised Porceliamone? If I was the DG of the state-sponsored Broadcaster, I wouldn't want to be advertising that some of my corporation's recent decision-making has been tainted with the brush of "we don't think you played by the rules this time, chaps". If anything, the fact that this little newslet has been buried in the "Gossip" column of the BBC website suggests even more to me that they have something to hide about the SKY deal...:thinking:
@ the end of the day it's not 'Free to Air' anymore, imagine the Strawberrys & Cream brigade if they showed all the opening rounds of Wimbledon on BBC and the Semis & Finals on Sky Sports. Like F1 if you want to watch the sport you now have to pay for it, so it's not free.

Heard BBC had to do all the cost cutting, hence reducing F1 costs by 66% by selling the soul to Sky, so it could maintain it's Olympics contract! So for 2 weeks of sport in 2012 to watch loads of Brits come 4th or last we lose 30 live F1 races over 3 years.

I know some of you will be followers of these sports, but have you noticed what types of full live sport remains on BBC?

Rugby Union 6 Nations
British Open Golf

The kind of sports that people like Tarquel & Cassandra like to take their friends Jonty, Veronica & Cliff Richard too.

Oh there will be other sports like Curling, Hockey & International Tiddylewinks on BBC6, but as for main sports on BBC you just get the feeling you need to buy a cravat to watch the Sport on BBC.
I don't even know why I bring that up...

What irritates me is the lack of commitment to sport. They do it with tennis, you know! They've got the rights to the Australian Open and the French Open, but don't show most of it. Whereas when the sports being held in England there's live coverage of a game between two people no-one cares about out on court 138.

But the same cast meeting in the same sport just 200 miles south and 3 weeks earlier and it is totally beneath our attention and worthy of the cold embrace of Red Button Land.

The BBC's coverage is Anglocentric to levels that should embarrass a national broadcaster!
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