BBC to axe F1 from 2013? Confirmed - F1 will be on Sky from 2012

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They (Sky) will kill the present viewer base and it will be some time before they provide a good product. There is other motorsport available, remember that there's 7 hours or so televised each BTCC weekend by ITV, Eurosport do a great job of MotoGP and Bloomberg's Sportscar coverage isn't too bad.
I'll probably give Sky a season's worth of my money as I did with A1GP, if they fuck it up then they can get my subscription fee from someone else.
What's the betting that Bernie sells out soon?
Is there a Machiavelli smiley?
I'm quite literally speechless...

Bernie Ecclestone said:
"For those who can't watch Sky, they can still watch on a Sunday night, which will probably be better than watching the whole race live half the time," he added.
Of course, why would any fan want to watch the race live?
What a ridiculous statement.

Bernie Ecclestone said:
Ecclestone added that the deal was not complicated by issues surrounding the current Concorde Agreement because the covenant comes to an end prior to the beginning of the Sky contract.

"The Concorde finishes in 2012," he said. "After then there may not be one, we don't need one. We'll see.
It all becomes clear.
All he's done is stuck two fingers up to the fans of his sport, again. Shameful. And to think I kindda liked the guy...>:(
Oh dear, I appear to be the only one either a bit pleased or couldn't give a monkey's. Yes, I'll have to subscribe to Sky Sports but heck, I'll get to see some live football and get the cricket back. Come back at the end of 2012 I'll look like Gollum.
Oh dear, I appear to be the only one either a bit pleased or couldn't give a monkey's.
The problem is that it is pay-tv despite the concorde agreement and it has something to do with the Murdochs. Also, once sky get a foothold in the world of formula 1, they're not going to take it back out again easily...
Well I already have Sky so really it doesn't affect me but the way we (the fans) have been treated has been shambolic and the comments from the BBC and Ecclestone have been embarrasing and patronising to the extreme.
Hey, I don't like the Murdoch's and it looks like they are about to get their comeuppance. But if I want to watch my favourite sport and I have to pay a little more then I'll pay. F1 Digital was brilliant, if they do as well on Sky (without ads) I'll be quite happy. Probably cancel the movies subscription instead.
They [BBC] may yet do the whole race deferred, we have to see." - B.ECCLESTONE, Autosport
I've just vented a bit on Ben Gallop's blog on the BBC website. Sorry folks but I'm still absolutely steaming angry about this!

As has been posted already…not good enough.
Giving us a view of the season as a whole? No. Giving us a view of HALF A SEASON with whatever races Sky decide you can have to maximise their own ratings more like.
This decision has absolutely ruined watching Formula One for not thousands, not tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands even. No... MILLIONS of viewers worldwide will now have to reassess how they enjoy the sport they love, if they choose to follow it at all after this.
Watch the ratings plummet and enjoy it as the sponsors pull out after seeing the pitiful viewing figures on Sky compared to the 6-10 million they currently enjoy per race.
A sad day for F1. A sad day for us all who love this sport.
I will not be forced (indeed cannot afford) into subscribing to what is allegedly one of the most morally corrupt media organisations on the planet.
The BBC cannot afford to pay for F1 rights? But the BBC can afford to pay leaving executives nearly £1 million a pop to leave the organisation?
The furore over this abhorrent decision will not go away, nor should it.
BTW - I watched the Haye/Klitchko fight via a live stream on my computer from HBO for free. Shop around people...
BTW - I watched the Haye/Klitchko fight via a live stream on my computer from HBO for free. Shop around people...

I saw it free too. Constantly interrupted feed. I wish I'd never bothered as it cut out in round 11. See where this is going?

Even clandestinely watching F1 on a tiny computer screen will not be without massive frustration and blood boiling irritation. I'm not prepared to put myself through it.
I think this is all positive, and having spoken to the teams, they think it's positive too."

Along with indicating that the deal was likely to mean more income for the teams, Ecclestone spoke about the general onset of pay-per-view television and how the media landscape affected F1 in the future.

"We do have to do the best we can, and I'm interested in getting the maximum coverage because we have to invest in the future for the good of the teams and for Formula 1," he said.

And there you have it folks. "Likely to mean more income for the teams"

And that is why the boat will remain un-rocked.

How dear old Bernie thinks that the coverage will grow is beyond me though.
And there you have it folks. "Likely to mean more income for the teams"

And that is why the boat will remain un-rocked.

How dear old Bernie thinks that the coverage will grow is beyond me though.

More income from FOM, perhaps, but less from the teams' own personal sponsors, particularly if this is Bernie's plan for F1 broadcasting in all the mature markets.

I don't think everyone in FOTA will be delighted. Whether they want to do anything about it remains to be seen.
Bad points:

Hard luck for those unable to afford Sky,
BBC selling out,
Too many fans missing on the greatest sport in the country!

Good points:

No adverts during races is the next best thing compared to a stop start service on commercial free to air tv,
Sky do know how to promote and present sport so no loss in quality of coverage.
Brundle has said on Twitter he is out of a BBC contract soon so a move to sky is likely,
The same could be said of the rest of the presenting team as I'm sure I saw a rumour that Richard Hammond could be taking over BBC F1 coverage.
The best races will still be on the BBC, These are the ones that will generate the most advertising revenue so the sponsors are not really losing out on as much coverage. Just the fly aways and dull races will be losing out on viewing audiences.
Sky Sports is also available on freeview, although it will cost you £20 just for SS1 and SS2.

Overall the good points still don't outweigh the loss of full F1 coverage but at least its better than nothing.

On a personal note the Mrs was asking about the possibility of upgrading to Sky, I said there's never really anything worth watching apart from Sport, hopefully now I can convince her to get the sports packages too! I've missed my superleague fix! My contract with BT is also up for renewal so I will be looking into what they can do for me regarding Sky sports.

I will be signing the petition to keep F1 on the BBC but if it fails then I will become a slave to Murdochs demands and shell out for my F1 fix.
Something else for Sky,The BBC, Bernie, FOTA and all to consider.

Figures supplied by BARB at this link

2010 Singapore GP - 26 September 2010 - Viewing figures 4.49 million. (Ranked 20th most watched programme on the BBC that week)
Live Ford Super Sunday (12 O'clock kick off) - 26 September 2010 - Viewing figures 1 million

How can the two compete with each other?

What happens when a major premiership match kicks off in conjunction with a GP on Sky?

Sky may have 10 million customers but how many of those have the Sky Sports package? I seem to recall seeing that figure at around the 3 million mark. Now if some of those are watching the football that means that only 2 million people will watch a GP live. That is just one example.
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