BBC to axe F1 from 2013? Confirmed - F1 will be on Sky from 2012

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Their original contract expired in 2013.
This new one extends it to 2018.

As I keep saying, it makes no sense at all.

Interesting, I missed that bit.

It makes some sense.

Look at it this way (or rather from Bernies point of view). In 2013 FOM would have been faced with no terrestrial broadcaster in the UK able to afford or willing to pay the kings ransom for exclusive TV rights to F1. An outright switch to a sattelite channel would have had to have been negotiated through that year / close season for the start of 2014. That would have been almost impossible to do in the face of extreme opposition from the Teams, Fans etc.

Now here we have this half way house deal. The BBC get an extended contract that includes the British GP at less cost and Sky get a toe hold into F1. The "Fans" can still get some free to view live motorsport and the teams worries about the market audience can be soothed by the knowledge that they will get cross platform exposure and potentially from Sky, an increased TV revenue and access to TV advertising on Sky sports.

Once the contract expires in 2018 everyone would have forgotten what it was like to watch every race on terrestrial TV, live and for free and Sky will take the whole thing on, lock, stock and barrell and it's a win, win for all. (Except for the poor viewer and their wallets of course).

Sound reasonable?
Hopefully after a couple of days Bernie will have realised that he has made a complete male donkey of himself and will revoke the deal. I can dream...
If you're Bernie, yes.

If you're a BBC license payer, no.

Yep, and one of those has the rights to F1 and is a billionaire with all the influence and power to determine what happens, the other 30 or so million are just the mugs who pay for it !!
Lets imagine I don't watch sports. Lets say I'm obsessed with SciFi or comedy or soaps or whatever.

Yes, like sport (unless its soap) there are scraps on "free-to-air". Fine. Then there's some on pay TV such as Virgin - Eurosport and ESPN's equivalents.

Nowhere else (aside from Movies) would you have to pay another £30 on top of your package to watch what your TV. Only Sports fans have to put up with that.

Today, the national team in the national summer game is playing at home against the World #1 team, hoping to become the World #1 team, and its not on national television.

Its worse for boxing fans, of course.

If it wasn't for the law (which I think Sky challenged) every sport would be in Murdoch's clutches, and I don't think that situation is healthy.

I'll register my disapproval on a message to Sky's voicemail. Well, anyone's voicemail, Sky'll be bound to pick it up...

The rest of the world has had to adjust to the biggest global downturn/recession/bust in the history of mankind; pay cuts, redundancies, cost cutting, etc.

Why not F1 and specifically Bernie?
I've emailed this to FOTA: (

Dear FOTA,

Following this morning's announcement regarding the coverage of Formula One on British terrestrial television I write to emphatically state that I absolutely will not subscribe to Sky to watch Formula 1 and will not follow 'half a championship' on the BBC as the new deal suggests we do so.

As of this morning's announcement you have now lost an avid and virtually lifelong Formula One fan. As far as I can see from various on-line forums and from the general news coverage you will lose many hundreds of thousands, possibly millions more across the country or indeed worldwide.

I implore you to force a change of this terrible decision for F1 in the UK and for all other countries which rely on the BBC Formula One coverage worldwide.

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