BBC to axe F1 from 2013? Confirmed - F1 will be on Sky from 2012

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Martin Whitmarsh's and Christian Horner's take on it.

Whitmarsh states he's been told by Bernie the deferred races would be in full - not extended highlights.
Bernie has stated he would "prefer" to see highlights and not full re-runs.

Given the time-line of the articles today being released Bernie made his comments to the BBC reporters after Martin made his comments. Almost as if he were attempting to correct Martin's statement about full race re-runs.
according to Martin Whitmarsh (on Autosport) BBC will have full races for all rounds, whether live or delayed. So, according to Whitmarsh, the BBC's "highlights" will be full, delayed races. So, potentially, this agreement may not be as bad as it seems, if the BBC can still show every race. Now, to keep Brundle, DC, EJ, Lee, Ted and Jake! And Classic F1!

So far, Martin Whitmarsh seems to be the only person saying this. According to the Beeb blog, for non BBC hosted races there will be "extensive highlights" and according to an interview with Autosport, Ecclestone is saying that "there may be deffered full races but we'll have to wait and see"
Frankly, the only time I'll believe anything coming out of Bernie's mouth will be when he admits he loves money more than the sport that made him rich.
Not sure if this is the full version as BBC have not been saying this, but Whitmarsh seems to think BBC will show full races deferred:
"The BBC will show every grand prix in full, half of them live and half of them deferred, so free-to-air is available to everyone.

Not sure how viable Sky would be for me due to frequent relocations, but the principle of having to shell out the sort of money some of you have calculated on here AND to bloody Sky is sickening.
I'd rather record these non-live re-runs, if they are for real. Wouldn't it be funny if BBC reruns had more viewers/watchers than Sky live.
I don't think they let it get to this situation. . .

You're probably right with that jez, although part of me still says that they could've done more (than it looks to me at this point, without doing hours of research and having any knowledge of anything even slightly 'inside'). That probably still wouldn't have been enough.

We should've expect nothing else of Bernie. If anything everyone, for a while gets more money or it stays the same, he's always out to do that. He said F1 will stay free to air and it is (sort of) To me, he hasn't broken any promises when you actually look at what he's said and then done.

After initial anger at not seeing every minute of F1 I could I've tried to remember the fact that this was probably always going to happen, its just a bit earlier than I expected and seems to have come from nowhere
The full race replay is a better idea than highlights. Still not the same as watching it live though.
It all hinges on how it's done and whether it's edited highlights or not. If the BBC don't cover the fly away races live and show them always at 1-2pm then it could work in their favour. The European races tend to start then anyway and many people record the races that are on during the night and watch them later or watch the BBC's rerun on a Sunday afternoon. People would get used to the races being at the same time (more or less, obviously this won't work with the races like Canada, USA and Brazil that are shown in the early evening).
Whitmarsh smashes the final nail in:

The End in my opinion. If McLaren, the team I adore and have followed since childhood state this then I'm afraid I'm lost for words.

I don't want highlights. I don't want full re-runs. I don't want Skyganda Sports.

I like it just as it is. Oh, by the way, I'm not what one might call a Luddite either. They need to listen to us. In fact if they don't, then there's even more reason for the legions of objectors to walk away.


What a shit day.
Will be raising questions in parliament about the #BBCF1shambles. @jakehumphreyf1 @MBrundleF1 What a joke!
Gavin Shuker MP (Luton South)
This whole fiasco is attracting alot of attention - this can only be good news, to put pressure on Bernie, surely?
Whitmarsh smashes the final nail in:

I think you're being a little unfair to Whitmarsh. As Team Principal, he needs to choose his words carefully. Saying this is fucking shit isn't going to help his relationship with the rest of the paddock, the FIA and FOM, even if that's what he's thinking inside.
It seems the teams have pressured Ecclestone to ensure the BBC shows all the races, 10 live, 10 delayed, rather than highlights. #F1
From the F1 Times
Put it this way, if the BBC was a private company, the shareholders would be demanding an explanation and it's quite possible the board members would be struggling to survive at the next AGM.

Sadly although we fund it, we're not shareholders and have no say at all in how it's run, or how the money is spent.
My turn for an idea -

The BBC has moved away from impartiality and representing the national interests and interest, so how about....

Remove BBC channels from satellite distribution and only charge a licence fee for houses with an aerial/equipped to receive their free to air medium. I see no further value in a bottom line corporation that caters to the dumbed down masses, so rather than have what is effectively a television tax I think there should be a licence fee for those who choose to watch the uninspired tripe the BBC channel our funds towards, so in the interests of democracy it is only fair to allow us to choose whether to receive the service and therefore become a part of it's funding.

Oh, and Bernie's 80, I'm really starting to feel his idea of a long term plan is which pyjamas he puts on his pillow. The sooner he starts grooming his successor, the better. His interview regarding telephone number payments to German bankers was less than inspiring, what chance does he have of treading the tightrope of global sport, political statements, political needs, public demand and money that need to be orchestrated for the long term plan of F1.
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