BBC to axe F1 from 2013? Confirmed - F1 will be on Sky from 2012

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fat jez, yea, I remember an interview in a local magazine with Bernie, mentioning teh fact that tons of Belgian viewers tuned in on BBC instead of the local broadcasters. His response was: "I didn't know that, we need to do something about it."
I feel left in the cold indeed, I haven't missed a single race since BBC started coverage in 2009.

Same here (The Netherlands) our coverage here is crap and filled with adverts (every 10 bloody minutes!!) so a lot of people just tune in to the BBC. We can't get Sky here and even if we could we're not going to pay for it.
I've watched every race on the BBC since 2009 but I guess that's finished now. I'm not going to watch half a season on the BBC, that's bullshit, and with Martin Brundle out of contract and seemingly not impressed by all this who are they going to stick in the commentary box? Eddie Jordan? No thanks.

I'm still better off than you guys in England, as I now have the choice between an ad-filled coverage with loads of techical problems, the Belgian coverage which literally makes me fall asleep or the German coverage which I barely understand!
I'm pissed at this, I can't even imagine how pissed off you guys must be.

Very dumb move by the BBC, did they even think of the possibility that they're going to lose viewers all over Europe, not just the UK?
What's sad is if you go back and read through the first few posts of this thread.
They were posted just a month ago and so many people thought it was a non-story.

As ever with F1, if it's rumoured in the media then it's usually true.
As a Sky sports subscriber i am neither happy or unhappy with today's announcement. The problem that i do have is the fact that the powers that be with F1 seem to have shot themselves in the foot with this new deal. They are forever going on about the need for F1 to be on terrestrial channels, yet as soon as somebody comes along with as large amount of money all that seems to be forgotten. Free to air television is important as it reaches a mass audience, i for one will very much doubt that they will get more than 1 million people watching F1 on Sky. To all those people who genuinely can't afford to watch F1 on Sky you should honestly feel like Bernie and all his cronies have sold you all down the river on this one.
I remember a couple of months ago when all this was first rumoured, Edd Straw wrote a very peculiar column in Autosport, in which he said how good Sky had been for Premier League football (questionable) and how it wouldn't be so bad for F1 either. Basically that was the future so we'd better get used to it.

No doubt many people will be looking to get rich off the back of Murdoch now, so don't be surprised if you read positive reports in all sorts of unlikely places in the next few weeks. Just remember how you felt when you first heard the news...
sky are starting to monopolise everything. First F1, then it will be a part of Wimbledon, then MotoGP, then part of the winter olympics, the part of the summer olympics, then part of the rugby and football world cups.... the only way to stop them is to not watch them, starting with their f1 coverage.
What a sad day. I will not be paying for SKY. Even if I could afford it, I wouldn't buy it. And as for watching half a championship on the BBC, forget it... :no:
Oh well, this will be my last season watching F1. Suppose I should be looking to do something else with my time... :(:no::dunno:

And thanks Porceliamone for posting that link to FOTA. I've emailed them like you did, but I doubt it will make any difference. :(
Jake Humphrey's comments today have pi**ed me off so much, all this ass kissing to Sky makes me sick. The only person to come out of today with a shred of dignity is Martin Brundle and I wouldn't blame him if he joined Sky next year as BBC have shown him no respect at all.
I think that it's important to remember that the deal is not done. Remember Donington Park and Bahrain. It seems that if the public and the teams make enough noise then the people at the top will back down. You never know, it could work this time. Maybe it's some kind of strange publicity stunt from Bernie. If this is true, the look on Murdoch's face when the bombshell has dropped would be priceless!
For that £500-600 I could find a lot of other great things to do with my Sundays, motorsport related or not. I could get down to Le Mans, and Silverstone. I could go watch a BTCC day, and maybe some bike racing.
Or I could make my family really happy and have a weeks camping in Tenby with loads of spending money... no brainer
Hi guys - just joined the site - this is my first comment.

Terrifying news - i honestly think Sky would kill F1 - certainly for most us Brits! I've been following F1 for 20 years now (i'm only 25:D). I'm not sure how i'd feel about reduced coverage and skimming the net for illegal streaming (whenever it's necessary to do so to watch the sport i love).

The main fear i have is that selling the franchise to Sky (evil old man's tabloid empire) will eventual, maybe very quickly, reduce the sport to nothing more than a GP2 or Kart Series kind of event. Without 100's of millions of people tuning in every week, without the interest from the general public, i think the sport will wilt - how could it possibly thrive as it's doing now without the very force driving it - the fans?

And as for the BBC. I'd put the worth of F1 in front of the entire worth of BBC3 and BBC4 combined. I essentially pay my license just to watch the sport, if F1 goes from the BBC - i'll go from the BBC too.

I'm flabbergasted..........
I'm gobsmacked..........
I'm disillusioned...........
I'm............i'm.............i'm very very angry at the prospect of this thing happening.

P.S. Looks like a very decent website - kudosROFL
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