BBC to axe F1 from 2013? Confirmed - F1 will be on Sky from 2012

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Teams are meant to meet with Bernie this afternoon and after that we will find out the future of our sport.
I've not been in the UK now for over 3 years (except brief visits) so have missed most of the new BBC coverage.

The bits I have wtached have, frankly, been fairly pathetic EXCEPT for the actual race coverage.

The last time I watched was a download of the British GP because I was in Egypt (no coverage at all in hotel) when it was on and I wanted to watch it when I got back home..... which is Warsaw, if you can't be bothered checking my profile :)

A load of rubbish about Humphrey/EJ/DC around Silverstone on a 3-seater tandem (trandem?) followed by more reality TV type rubbish of DC and MB with Button/Hamilton trying out jet skis.... by which time I fast-forwarded to the race start.

If they'd stopped all this bullshit and just started the coverage 15 minutes before the race (enough time for a quick re-cap of quali and any breaking news + grid walk) then maybe they would have been able to afford the rest of the contract.

My sympathies go to those who truly cannot afford to get a decent TV/Net/Phone package to include SkySports, although I was always quite happy with Virgin's deals when I was resident there pre-2008.

One final point, why are people wasting time signing up to an independent online mickey-mouse petition site? ? ?
If memory serves me right the BBC is a public broadcaster...... funded by the Government. RIGHT?
This funding is collected by the Goverment (licence fee) from every UK resident and passed on. RIGHT?
Any activity by the Govermnet can be directly petitioned against through the No10 web site. YES, it CAN ! !
....... AND if 100,000 signatures are collected it automatically triggers a debate in Parliament.

I'm not a resident, voter or tax-payer at the moment so I can't start it, but there must be somebody out there who can put together a reasoned argument for submission, but it won't even be accepted if you just rant. :rolleyes:
I've not been in the UK now for over 3 years (except brief visits) so have missed most of the new BBC coverage.

The bits I have wtached have, frankly, been fairly pathetic EXCEPT for the actual race coverage.

The last time I watched was a download of the British GP because I was in Egypt (no coverage at all in hotel) when it was on and I wanted to watch it when I got back home..... which is Warsaw, if you can't be bothered checking my profile :)

A load of rubbish about Humphrey/EJ/DC around Silverstone on a 3-seater tandem (trandem?) followed by more reality TV type rubbish of DC and MB with Button/Hamilton trying out jet skis.... by which time I fast-forwarded to the race start.

If they'd stopped all this bullshit and just started the coverage 15 minutes before the race (enough time for a quick re-cap of quali and any breaking news + grid walk) then maybe they would have been able to afford the rest of the contract.

My sympathies go to those who truly cannot afford to get a decent TV/Net/Phone package to include SkySports, although I was always quite happy with Virgin's deals when I was resident there pre-2008.

One final point, why are people wasting time signing up to an independent online mickey-mouse petition site? ? ?
If memory serves me right the BBC is a public broadcaster...... funded by the Government. RIGHT?
This funding is collected by the Goverment (licence fee) from every UK resident and passed on. RIGHT?
Any activity by the Govermnet can be directly petitioned against through the No10 web site. YES, it CAN ! !
....... AND if 100,000 signatures are collected it automatically triggers a debate in Parliament.

I'm not a resident, voter or tax-payer at the moment so I can't start it, but there must be somebody out there who can put together a reasoned argument for submission, but it won't even be accepted if you just rant. :rolleyes:
The petitions site is being re-released and is not live until 8th August. I have created a petition, but obviously no one can sign it until then..
Crofty did commentate on the Goodwood festival of speed for Sky so he might be there lead commentator and they will undoubtably try getting Brundle in as he is amazing
Knowing the BBC, I bet they've wasted millions on things like the "cultural olympiad" (does anyone know a thing about it?) and every centimetre of the torch relay. It seems to me that F1 is the lamb which the BBC have slaughtered in order to gain the "meat" of the excessive coverage of the London Olympics, as it only comes around once in a lifetime - when you eat it, it's gone. Just as the London olympics will be.
Also, I've just heard in FP2 that Bernie is holding an emergency meeting with the teams about the f1 deal.
The plot thickens...
I've not been in the UK now for over 3 years ...
... YES, it CAN ! !
....... AND if 100,000 signatures are collected it automatically triggers a debate in Parliament.

I'm not a resident, voter or tax-payer at the moment so I can't start it, but there must be somebody out there who can put together a reasoned argument for submission, but it won't even be accepted if you just rant. :rolleyes:

Indeed, and I have had occasion to use it regarding a number of environmental issues.

However, I am waiting for the person or persons with the appropriate expertise (for I have yet to learn this) to put up an appropriate petition on the parliamentary site so that I can indeed sign it. When today's practice sessions are over I will get round to surfing the net to see what's what.

If anyone knows the procedure I would be grateful if they could share it with us. Thanks.:)

Edit: Thank you RickD, who got in there whilst I was writing this! I look forward to your update:thumbsup:
I couldn't imagine another commentator in Murray Walker's boots, can't replace him....but not Martin Brundle???

They two are the voice F1 for me as I started watching F1 when they were commentating together
James Allen makes the good point on his website that, with the BBC seemingly having been so intent on saving money, without this deal they almost certainly would have ended their contract completely (and maybe a year early), leaving us with the possibility of only Sky coverage, or maybe Channel 5 with much cheaper productions and loads of adverts.

At least now the BBC have comitted to staying pretty heavily involved until at least 2018, four years beyond the end of their previous contract. If Sky honour their pledge to avoid adverts in-race, perhaps things won't be so bad.
We'll just have to wait and see I suppose.
It's irrelevant though.

If the BBC aren't going to show all of the races then you still need to buy Sky.

Therefore why are the BBC wasting money on some races?
It's irrelevant though.

If the BBC aren't going to show all of the races then you still need to buy Sky.

Therefore why are the BBC wasting money on some races?

Due to the fact that they still have a contract I guess. Once it expires I would expect to see a new deal based on the current Football format. All live on Sky followed by highlights on the BBC.

This is just a half way house measure while the BBC run down their contract. That would be my guess.
Now here's another interesting thought.

Maybe more difficult to do in F1 due to the global nature of the sport but now that BSkyB have got their foot in the door, and given that they have been pushing hard to buy the TV rights from dear old Bernie, this could mark an entire new direction for the sport.

With Football in the UK we've seen the effect that Sky have had on the game. It's not just the money sloshing around the boardrooms of the various premier clubs but the simple things in life such as kick off times being all over the shop in order to pander to the Sky audiences. Now I know F1 has been heading down that road for years but what would happen if Sky got together with several overseas affiliates and started putting pressure on the FIA / FOM to hold races in a single day (AM qually / PM Race) or any number of other changes to the format.

With premiership Football the tale deffinately wags the dog and much the same thing could happen in Motorsport.
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