Ask The Apex

I absolutely agree, few do respond.

F1Kate I think is great, we had a convo about estate agents, and an exchange of jokes with Keith Collantine, my fave though was Fearne Cotton!!
HRT and KArthikeyan get a lot of stick for being slow, but they're not that bad are they? There have been a few 'Not Classifieds' in last few years, but all of them lost several laps in the pits. When was the last time someone was Not Classified just on account of being too slow to complete 90% distance?
Schumacher wasn't a pole sitter in Monaco. He was fastest in qualifying, but pole is the first at the starting grid, he had a penalty and Webber was polesitter. At he's still at 68 poles accoring to his sheet. You can also look at the []talk[/url] on his wiki-page. There are no sources where he has 69 poles, so Monaco 2012 is no pole, because then he'd have 69 poles.
He's first though at the results of qualifying, but that's because gridpenalties are applied after qualifying, but before the race.

At Spain, Hamilton wasn't first in the results, because he was disqualified due to lack of fuel.
Now that Caterham have finished in the top 10 three years running am I right in thinking they get a bigger share of the tv rights and a proper place round the F1 bargaining table or do I have that wrapped round my neck. I'm sure they got more of something if they did it three timrs.
They get the last lot of money handed out by FOM, which is only down to 10th place and that's it.
I don't believe there is any cumulative benefit.

Unless of course you finish first three years running and suddenly have a big say in what goes on ;)
Does anyone have/know where to find statistics for team budgets and number of personnel for each F1 team, and if possible for each year from 2008-2012?

Things are mentioned here and there and there's a couple of forum posts elsewhere I found with a quick search but nothing particularly substantial or convincing. There's also Formula Money which is a big book about team finances in 2010 but that costs hundreds of pounds.

There's a lot of very knowledgeable people on here so I thought it was worth a shot! I have a feeling that I've seen something like this on CTA before but I've struggled to track it down.
jez101 - I *THINK* that it's something like your income is not just determined by your position in the previous seasons championship, but also on the 2 prior to that (or something) - so that if you have a bad year, you are not as badly affected in terms of income as you would be if you had, say, three bad years... (Or something like that...) I may also have just made this up in my head!
sushifiesta try companies house? For £1 per document you can get their filings. I think that's where Formula Money gets a lot of it's info from. The first thing to do would be to try and find all the operating companies and a good way to do this is by finding the directors and searching for their directorships


Do not buy the reports from these people though as you can get the same ones from companies' house for £1 not £4.99
I'd rather not pay money for it to be honest since it's a bit of a pointless exercise in the first place! I may do it for a couple of teams possibly if I decide I'm particularly interested. I don't know anything about this though, would the filings contain multiple years?
Normally two years so if you get the accounts closing in 2011, they will contain staff headcount for 2011 and 2010. The attached is FOM's 2010 filing, see page 16 what level of detail they provide. No guarantees other companies will be identical (what they have to disclose depends on certain factors), but should give you an idea.


sushifiesta - All my knowledge on this topic is extremely old and dusty now - since they had the war with Mosley the contents of the Concorde Agreement are different from the copy that I once saw, many moons ago. I'll have a dig and see what I can find, but doubt it will be of much use.
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