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I was just thinking to myself earlier about Mercedes' decision to increase the size of their models to 60%
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Does this mean that they are no longer using the 100% scale wind tunnel that is in their grounds - I know that one of Mercedes' tunnels is hired out - and that the rules prevent the use of 100% models in the tunnel - but this would mean that they are potentially creating a massive problem for themselves...

So my question is: Is it the old 50% tunnel that Mercedes have uprated to 60% size, and if so, is it not likely that they're going to have constant problems with calibration?
The Artist..... As the wind tunnel Mercedes hire out is used by HRT, I imagine HRT could only afford to use the smaller of the two wind tunnels. Though the rules don't allow for 100% models it's probably better to modify the larger wind tunnel to support a 60% model than upgrading the 50% tunnel, so I would assume Mercedes are upgrading the 100% tunnel.
Viscount - That was my initial assumption, but then I asked myself - given that the team were allowed to use up to 60% models, why did they opt for 50% models if they were using their 100% wind tunnel, whilst they could have simply made 60% models..... (The question really is if they simply opted to use the 50% tunnel that they also had).

I understand that it is not just HRT who have been using the tunnel - it is also hired out at £899 for 2 hours for cyclists to optimise their cycling position:

There's also a video:

Which wind tunnel is this??? ;)
Could the 50% be something to do with it being easier to calibrate? Just a guess, but I would have thought the initial calibration would be easier at 50% than 60%. maybe now that they think they have got to grips with the 50% models correctly, upping it to 60% isn't such a trauma..
I could do with going a bit quicker on my bike but at that price it's going to stay as it is.

If the results that Mercedes are getting are with a fully calibrated 50% wind tunnel which they are fully at grips with I would advise them to spend their money on new designers.
The Artist.....After various Google searching I think that is the 50% tunnel the cyclist is in. This guy has a number of pics of the Brawn GP 50% model and wind tunnel which appears to be the same as the one above:

And then here is Schumacher in a different wind tunnel with the Mercedes 2010 model:

Cheers Viscount - I'd actually seen this picture of Schumacher in the wind tunnel before - but even having seen it I couldn't convince myself that that was their full sized tunnel - but I suppose I don't know that much about wind tunnels! :D
With talk of HRT going altogether now (apparently their staff have been given redundancy notice) will this open the grid up for new teams to come in? How does that system work now and how long would it take? If HRT did drop out could we theoreticly have a brand new team on the grid for 2013?

Also (and I know this sounds very Battlestar) is F1 still hunting for its 13th tribe(team)? Because I'd love to see the grid back up to 26 again.
There is still one spare slot on the grid after the US GP team dropped out.
So in theory, two more new teams could join.

However, the exorbitant cost of entry and the inability to fight with the existing teams on a level playing field (due to the changes in mid-season testing, etc.) put off too many prospective entrants, in my opinion.

Although I assume using Cosworth engines is no longer a requirement, as Mosley forced Caterham, Marussia and HRT to do, thereby crippling them immediately.
Do we think their is a chance we might see some someone put a bid in for 2014 as the new engine regs might mean they start on more of a level playing field?

I had heard a rumour a few years back that Ferrari were thinking of entering a FIAT junior team a bit like Red Bull have Toro Rosso.
I'm going to hazard a guess at 1982 but I'm probably wrong.
I think you're correct - from 1983 onwards, obviously there was the Honda onslaught, - then Yamaha and Mugen Honda came in, along with drivers such as Katayama, Suzuki, Taki Inoue (!)

Interestingly, before 1983, you have to go back to 1977 to find the previous Japanese involvement - Where there was an all-Japanese team... Kojima... Entered 2 races, and built different cars for both of them!
30 years run looking like its coming to an end for next season. Can't help but feel that the lack of involvment from motorsport crazy Japan is a big loss to F1.
The thirty year run may be coming to an end but it hasn't really been that illustrious, has it?

When I think back of Japanese drivers, none of them really provide fond memories.
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