Ask The Apex

As we approach the mid season summer break, do the oracle(s) have some stat's for the last 4 seasons or so on the mechanical reliabilty of cars... first half of season to last half... maybe even broken down quarterly... would be interesting to see if there is an increase in the "engine, gearbox, other mechanical" failure rate trend as teams are rotating previously used equipment...

Might give us an insight into whether we can hope (and pray to the blown gasket gods) for an Alonso DNF soon... :dunno:
ZakspeedYakspeed, since joining Ferrari Alonso's two NC's have been Belguim 2010 - Error, and Canada 2011 - Button.

In the same period Massa has had 4 errors/collisions, and one gearbox failure (Spain 2011)

(Alonso DNF'ed at Malaysia 2010 after spending several laps on the limiter behind Button)
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