Grand Prix 2018 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Practice, Qualifying & Race Discussion

Aaaaaahhh, that wonderful place, renowned for its proximity to the sea and proud history of mercantile endeavour, the place that attracts many tourists to its wonderful coastline, fabulous welcome and no surprise then that property is costly and much sought after.

Wonderous views of the mountains of Snowdonia rising in splendour to the East and...........
What do you mean?
Abu Dhabi?
I thought you said Aberdovey!

I wouldn’t have volunteered if I’d known. Still here goes then……..

Aaaahh, Abu Dhabi, that Middle Eastern Grand Prix that nobody complains about because human rights abuse only occurs in Bahrain. A place where a notoriously dull race with a traditionally sparse audience is appropriately named, as the only way can only be up after a race at the Yas Marina Circuit. I do feel that they did actually bother when they built it as it does have its quirks with a long straight and peculiar pitlane configuration, one day there’ll be an almighty cock-up that blocks the exit…..perhaps then the race will be less of the snoozefest that is usually served up.
Plenty of other racing takes place here, including cycling (in an equally dull event) and sportscars but in the 10 years of F1 the weekend is generally dominated by a Red Bull, here’s hoping that they continue their Brazilian streak .

It’s all very well me making critical judgements on the circuit but the best review I can find is that given by my hero Kimi Raikkonen:

"the first few turns are quite good, but the rest of it is shit"

Mwynhewch, a dyma'r tymor nesaf!
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Lewis will be using No. 1 on his car this weekend. Perhaps he would like to do the decent thing and use it for the whole of next season like World Champions are supposed to.
That was a very clean qualy lap by Hamilton. He continues to impress.

I gather the race is going to be Mercedes 1-2.

While Ferrari is very close to Mercedes and better on some tracks, it does appear that Mercedes has the edge as the season ends. I don't foresee any significant differences in pace for next season. Did Mercedes run with its wheel vents open or closed?

The top four "best of the rest" qualifiers include probably four of the top drivers among the best of the rest (and I would add to that list Perez and Gasly and of course, Alonso). Ocon continues to demonstrate why he should be in a top team.
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OK...found the answer: GPGuide | News - Mercedes to finally use controversial wheels

Mercedes is using the holes in the wheel rims. To quote Toto Wolff "Ferrari did not like the design, and although we received permission from the FIA, we did not want the fate of the championship to be decided in the courtroom."

So, I guess we will find out if they are legal or not (I gather they are). Most likely everyone will be using them next season.

Part of the reason I think the old American broadcast was superior to the Sky Sports I am receiving now is that Steve Matchett would actually make sure all these technical issues were discussed during the broadcast. Sky often ignors them and seems almost completely focused on the drivers. F1, of course, is about more than the drivers.
Alas, screwed qualifying for me and may do for the race. I logged on as usual to use the paid for Live Timing (hit the wrong key there, it was nearly Love Timing, much more entertaining) but could not get it so I had a waste of time communicating with someone who finished up suggesting that I try a different browser than Firefox with or without enabling a private window.

Never mind, it's only money and it has worked for most of the time.>:(
So I watched it, I got excited but then I was disappointed. A less than satisfactory end to a less than satisfactory season. Let's hope 2019 offers up something better.
And once again, the stewards show a complete lack of consistency when it comes to a Mercedes car. Ocon punished, Alonso punished, Bottas allowed to get away with it. It’s this derogation of responsibility that makes me ask what else Mercedes are getting away with? The situation is not helped by the complete awe in which C4 ( and I understand Sky) act around the Mercedes team.
That crash for Hulkenberg was nasty and I couldn't blame him for sounding worried over the radio when he was stuck in the car and it was on fire. Luckily he got out okay and all was well, that was a relief.

Several good drives, felt sorry for Kimi and Ericsson when their race/careers ended like that. Not that Kimi's is over, but you get what I mean. Alonso couldn't get a point but he did finish his last race which was nice for him. Max had a little dig at Ocon and got away with it this time. Bottas, well that guy is thoroughly defeated isn't he? Even the stewards couldn't be bothered to punish him, though they should have as The Artist..... rightly said.

All in all not a bad race for the last live one on channel 4.
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And once again, the stewards show a complete lack of consistency when it comes to a Mercedes car. Ocon punished, Alonso punished, Bottas allowed to get away with it. It’s this derogation of responsibility that makes me ask what else Mercedes are getting away with? The situation is not helped by the complete awe in which C4 ( and I understand Sky) act around the Mercedes team.

I think that most fans are asking themselves the same question, what else Mercedes are getting away with? In a sense we now know at least part of the answer:
- one set of rules for Mercerdes (and Verstappen), and one for the others;
- they are allowed to race with a device that has been described by the powers that be as of "limited legality" :o
- they worked for 2 years to come up with a PU formula that could give them an advantage and only after they had built a very competitive PU they notified the FIA of what the rules should be so that the FIA could tell the others, and they gained such an advantage that no one else managed to close it despite 5 long years of the PU
- the media don't hold them to the same standards that are used for Ferrari (or anyone else, for that matter, when RBR or Benetton/Renault were winning, they got a critical, as should be the case, media, that is no longer the case), a case in point is that we are still talking of when Barrichello had to let Schumacher through but we are now led to believe that what Mercedes has asked of Bottas this season is perfectly ok and that they are very good sports

I think that next year it will be more of the same, they want all the silverware from this PU formula, IMHO by doing so they just corroborate the claim that there is something rotten "in Denmark", but there you go, they put a lot of money in F1 for many years and they won nothing now they want all. My question is: is F1 going to survive this? judging from the viewers numbers it is fair to doubt that F1 in this shape and form will managed to soldier along for very long
Max had a little dig at Ocon and got away with it this time.

it looks to me as if he manages to get away EVERY single time. Moreover, they even showed the slow motion of his barging onto Ocon and then showed the images of Brasil, as if to say "good for you Max, it's time for retribution".

Sic transit gloria mundi...
whats happened today. As this unusually developed into 1st interesting race since kimi won in 2012 at abu dhabi, because as I put on the out of 10 thread usually by lap 20 it will slow down & its a procession to the end. but with the mix of strategies, the rain in the desert what was that about espically as I found out that abu dhabi get 57mm of annual rainfall, where I live gets 834mm but all that meant I was still intrigued about more the podium & points until lap 40. the winner was an obvious winner I felt obvious because it really was a stroll in the park for hamilton. 5 world titles & you have to say that the guy is driving better than ever & has his best season to date, Canada Q3 is closest thing we came to a mistake all season

Sad to see Alonso go, he should be in top 3 car but because of difference between man & the talent his tainted legacy will always be "but" as ive gone into detail on the Alonso thread. although a strange way to finish in F1 with penalty for missing the chicane in final 3 laps.

Hulkenburg on the opening lap was a pretty terrifying accident not been worried for a driver like that for while. Flipping over twice. nothing either driver could be at fault, both locked up their brakes & hulk didnt see him as grosjean was riding the kerb. I think brundle put it best that he's not a fan he takes no pleasure in the that issue because it will save lives but there is that fire worry & I have to say ive barely noticed it last 3/4 of the season. its likes their is no halo. but I feel the same As many as halo saves, that is the downside of halo. that what was a the nightmare As he struggling to get out as he admits on radio & cars has flames on the back, appartantly Charlie whiting did take major interest in the aftermath

oh god here we go, the bit i was dreading to write because I dont mean to horrible & I dont want to write because I dont want to be some "Internet troll" but I have to write what I see & be fair in critzering anyone for bad performances . But bottas post summer break been shocking I say spa onwards because I agree he had bad luck in china, Baku & Austria but consistently bar Russia its race after race poor. Russia wasnt really that good despite leading as the biggest lead he had was 2 seconds unlike others who have pulled away made 5/10 sec lead. then lewis wouldnt have been under pressure from vettel. but the biggest disgrace was for bottas to end the season in Mercedes car that won both championships with 0 wins less podiums that lewis had wins & finish 5th 2pts behind off Verstappen in inferior red bull is indefensible, he has severely under performed. he hadnt already had his contract extended. ocon would've been announced weeks ago in the 2nd seat. as I said on chat until I sort it out Im not even sure that I'll have him in my pound for pound top 10, that we do annually here, because depends on others that have done a better job
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F1Brits_90 - as i’m sure you saw, I was ranting in chat during the race about Bottas.... he is blocking one of the few competitive race seats, and should have been moved on. The fact that Bottas is managed by Toto Wolff has, i’m sure, nothing to do with the decision to keep him - just like the fact that Trulli refused to be managed by Briatore had nothing to do with him being dropped by Renault...
I think Bottas knows his seat at Mercedes is up given Toto has now switched his focus on pushing Ocon and has been resolutely keeping him for Mercedes ahead of Wehrlein no less

So unless Ocon is absolutely rubbish doing the simulator work I think Bottas might find himself have to go back to Williams possibly in 2020
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