What gets me is how flippant Schuey was in the post race interview, saying it's Rubens fault as he went the wrong side.
It would be frightening to think what would have happened @ 180mph with Ruben's car....
If wheels had interlocked as Ruben's ran out of space, Ruben's front left would have hit's Schuey's front right @ speed (the pictures show Ruben's front left close to Schuey's side Pod, so assuming it would be Rubens hitting Schuey as opposed to the the other way round). This would have launched Ruben's into the air, as the air took hold of the floor ala Webber this year, depending on the deflection angle would decide where & how he would land, but it would be a tough landing.......
Or instead he could hit the wall as Ruben's ran out of space, which would have instantly meant Ruben's would hit the wall first with his rear right, pitching the car to the right! If the front right then also hit the wall, it would have bounced the rear of Ruden's car into Schuey's, taking both cars out. Depending on the impact and any pitch either car was forced into especially as it went sideways @ what 150/160mph, would have dictated whether one if not both went airborne. Then it's again where & how they land.......
Think the most frightening prospect is against staring with the 2nd scenario, but instead as Ruben's hits the pit wall his front right missing the pit wall this time sending his car to the right. Looking at the Video of the circuit just after the pit wall is a solid concrete wall which has an angle to feed the cars out of the pit lane, so could have been an accident ala Greg Moore.
The last scenario I think we would have been asking after Massa last year & Ruben's death this year is Hungary too dangerous? Cause you just know Ruben's hitting that wall @ the speed he's still be doing........