Where the heart isn't.....

Which drivers won't you be following this season for whatever reason?

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Ok so after the 'churlish' nature of my first vote I decided to look at it from a different angle that 'dislike' to who we could do without and have now cast 3 votes.

Maldonado - Sorry chap but you've had your go. Your GP2 win and you Williams win were fantastic but the seasons since have been of a poor standard so its time to get out of that race seat and give someone else a shot.

Ericsson - Sorry Pal but your success in junior series was limited and in your first season you were slower by every Tom, Dick and Harry Caterham could find to put in the car on Friday's or race day. With so much talent out there not getting a go due to the small grid you need to get out the road.

and (I'm very sorry about this)..........

Kimi - Last year you looked like a man putting in the hours but watching the clock so you can clear off home and I just don't think you're heart is in it at the min. I hope you prove me wrong and come back this year quick but if thats the way its going to be then please leave F1 before you taint what came before.
Is it just the four votes?

Oh, in that case...

Button - whiner
Button - lying whiner
Button - dirty, lying whiner
Button - cheating, dirty, lying whiner
Interesting that no-one has anything bad to say about Bottas, seems like an all-round good egg to me.
I can't quite put my finger on it Brogan but I have an ever so slight inking that maybe by the smallest of margins it is possible that Button isn't on your list of favourite drivers, no it's okay I don't need an explanation.. LOL
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Maldonado. Prat
Massa. Don't like him.
Perez. Prat
Raikkonen. Lazy.

I might change my mind about Raikkonen, if he drives with some fire and passion, at all times. But I doubt that will happen.
Where I might support a few drivers, there are none (no not even Maldonado) I wouldn't want to see get a good result, on the proviso, they drive (race) well.

To be honest all I want is to see some good racing. I admit some of my favourite moments of the last 5 years were when Hamilton and Button were head to head (didn't care which one came out on top) on the race track, but by the same token Rosberg and Hamilton provided some good moments last year. As well as some of the teams lower down.
I'll "follow" the fortunes of all of them for the first few races. After that, it will depend on how interesting they actually turn out to be. I suspect I'll be paying little or no attention to a sizeable chunk of the grid by the latter third of the season. Now, rooting for some of them is another question ... where's that other thread ... ? :thinking:
I've gone a little different, while I'm not supporting the likes of Vettel and Maldonado as drivers I will be interested in seeing how they do this season. It's the same with the new drivers. No idea how they will perform so keeping an close eye on them.

The only driver who has got my vote is Perez, he's usually largely anonymous during a season and I don't have an opinion on him at all so not that bothered about what he does.
If you took away the Maldonao factor then I fully expected Vettel to top this pole followed by a pretty much dead heat between Hamilton. Button and Alonso.

Sergio Perez being the at the top (bar the inevitable Maldonado) was not what I expected. Opinion poles are interesting.

I suspect tactical voting ;)
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