What now for Cosworth.


Sidecar racers have the biggest cojones
So now Williams are leaving Cosworth.
That leaves them with just two teams for 2012 at present.Its a fairly safe bet that MarrusiaVirgin will keep them as Cosworth supply the engines for Marrusia road cars.
How about HRT. They are due an influx of capital from Thesan, will they seek a new engine supplier.
If Renault are suppling Williams does this take them over their quota for teams? Maybe Cosworth could pick up one of the current Renault users.

Lotus have just signed a new deal to use Renault so I can't see that changing.
Red Bull won't swap their mighty power unit for a cosworth.

This leaves only 1 option. Renault Genii Capital are reportedly struggling to pay their engine bills so they may have to take a Cosworth in order to keep the car on the road.

Lotus-Renault-Cosworth anyone?
Unless you can think of a Spanish Engine supplier (as new owners of HRT have vowed to make the team more Spanish) I think HRT will stick with Cosworth.

I should imagine Virgin will swtich to Mclaren's own engines by 2015 judging by today's news.

Where PURE fits in here I have no idea
Has McLaren issued a press release stating that they are definitely making their own engine?
Or is that just speculation.I have seen nothing official from McLaren
I can't find anything official but I know they did an in house engine for their latest road car so one would assume they are in development. But you know what assume did - made an ass of u and me.

I do remember Matthias Mueller saying last October that Porsche were eyeing up coming back into F1 as an engine supplier so where they'd end up I have no idea.

On top of the fact that I fully expect Honda to start dipping its toe back in the water within the next few years (especially if Kobi is still on the up) then we Cosworth might be looking at a steep hill - which is a shame as their engines have not been that bad - incredibley reliable anyhow!
I do remember Matthias Mueller saying last October that Porsche were eyeing up coming back into F1 as an engine supplier so where they'd end up I have no idea.

On top of the fact that I fully expect Honda to start dipping its toe back in the water within the next few years (especially if Kobi is still on the up) then we Cosworth might be looking at a steep hill - which is a shame as their engines have not been that bad - incredibley reliable anyhow!

Porsche are part of VW Group, Audi as well and Audi were the mani reason for this aborted idea of a four CYLS engine, they then turned around and said no thanks, we changed our minds, I would assume that headquarters (VW) would decide if any of their subsideries can join F1.

Honda are still in Motor sport, US Indy cars, if they manage to forget the reasons why they abruptly left F1 in 2009, Perhaps they could supply engines and turbos from 2014.
Despite the Williams / Renault news I'd love to see Jaguar sponsor Cosworth development.

Cosworth's historical stake in modern F1 is arguably as great as that of Ferrari.

They just weren't geared up for the first flush of turbo's but their engines on their return have been either very powerful (but unreliable - although a chunk of that can go to failing Williams gearboxes if I remember right) or hooked on cars that didn't have manufacturer support. Inevitably, the quality of feedback from the new teams won't be as good as that found in the more mature works teams (and McLaren were the Mercedes works team all but name).

But the engines aren't bad...
They match the power.
They are pretty economical.
They seem pretty useable.

I want and hope that Cosworth can have a future in F1 and I'd love to see them relive their past; if only for a season or two...
Unless you can think of a Spanish Engine supplier (as new owners of HRT have vowed to make the team more Spanish) I think HRT will stick with Cosworth.

If Renault are suppling Williams does this take them over their quota for teams? Maybe Cosworth could pick up one of the current Renault users.

Lotus have just signed a new deal to use Renault so I can't see that changing.
Red Bull won't swap their mighty power unit for a cosworth.

This leaves only 1 option. Renault Genii Capital are reportedly struggling to pay their engine bills so they may have to take a Cosworth in order to keep the car on the road.

Lotus-Renault-Cosworth anyone?

I was thinking about the rumours doing the rounds about the Lotus Renault team not being flushed with cash, apparently they are struggling to pay for the Renault engine, perhaps the next change in power plant would be Lotus Renault not using Renault engines anymore, thus becoming Lotus GP - Cosworth.
Red Bull use Infiniti badged engines.Technically not Renault.
Red Bull will use Infiniti branded Formula One engines for the 2011 season, though the deal simply sees the current Renault engines rebadged Infiniti.
The move is part of a marketing strategy to increase Nissan's premium car brand in Europe and Asia.
The F1 Times reported on such a deal in January, with the BBC confirming the report today, whilst an official announcement is expected on Tuesday at the Geneva Motor Show.
Cosworth really need a substantial player to take on their engines, right now with only the cannon fodder of the grid using Cosworth, it is not a good indication of the true potential of their powerplant. Maybe a midfield team like Torro Rosso or Sauber could take on the Cosworth Engine and perhaps squeeze better performance than the likes of HRT, Virgin and Williams are, Maybe even Force India.
Give up a Ferrari engine for Cosworth.:rolleyes:

Thats the problem....Cosworth as I stated need a bigger player, Williams sounds big but everyone knows that is a flogged donkey, they need a reputable team on the up. Neither of the aforementioned teams will give up the Benz or Ferrari engines for a Cosworth so it puts Cosworth in a difficult position.
Mclaren are not planning to build their own F1 engine as far as I know; they couldn't get enough return on the investment from such a small number of units compared with a road car engine, apparently. In which case I would guess they'd be more likely to renew their old ties with a returning Honda when the new regs come in in 2014.
If Honda do make a comeback as an engine supplier, that will just make it even more difficult for Cosworth.
Mclaren are not planning to build their own F1 engine as far as I know

I'm not someone in the know so I don't claim any knowledge of it but that seem to be the logical assumption when Merc landed its own team and Mr Dennis vacating his position of superiority within the direct organisation of team Mclaren Formula One to involve himself in the development of Mclaren machinary aim at the general human race to use for transportation purposes that this was going to be the case. All media hype? was looking forward to it actually. Ya know people saying it was Martin Whitmarsh's fault the engine didn't have enough horsepower - that sort of stuff.

Sportsman - Seat! didn't even think of them. Surely not though? I guess that would def give HRT that Spanish identity their new investors are looking for.

As for the Honda thing - what you have to remember is that Honda have always been succesful as an engine supplier and it was only when they decided to compete with Toyota and run their own team that it all started to go wrong. Japan loves F1 and its a huge market for them. They've been away for 3 years now and I think they're probably alreayd considering dipping their toe back in - even if they shove Mugen on the front of Honda to start with or re-badge it completely as something else they'll start to come back. Honda are a bit like Renault really - they try to stay away but they never really go.
If Renault are suppling Williams does this take them over their quota for teams? Maybe Cosworth could pick up one of the current Renault users.

Lotus have just signed a new deal to use Renault so I can't see that changing.
Red Bull won't swap their mighty power unit for a cosworth.

This leaves only 1 option. Renault Genii Capital are reportedly struggling to pay their engine bills so they may have to take a Cosworth in order to keep the car on the road.

Lotus-Renault-Cosworth anyone?
The long-term future of the Oxfordshire-based Renault F1 team is not in doubt according to the team principal Eric Boullier.
Articles in certain sections of the motorsport press had questioned the financial wellbeing of the company.
But Boullier told BBC Radio Oxford's Blood, Sweat and Tyres programme: "The future is very clear and bright.
"We have solid sponsors, we have solid owners with a good financial background, we have some good plans."
Boullier has questioned the motivation of stories which alluded to potential financial problems.
He said: "I understand there is some jealousy around in the paddock and some people who want to tease us.
So it looks like the Renault name could be off the Renault team by next season then and Renault might be just an engine supplier?
Quite possibly.The court case with Fernandes clearly stated in the judgement that LotusRenault had the right to call themselves Lotus in F1.
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