Movies The worst film you ever saw.

Vampirella, Ed Wood films, all the stuff from the 50's like Forbidden Planet, War of the Worlds, in fact the badder the better.
You know I said I like bad films (sometimes) well steer well clear of The Sweeney. What a complete crock of shit. Ray Winstone is looks like he's there just for the cheque, Ben Drew (Plan B) couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag and appears barely capable of speech, and I can't remember any of the other cast members. It was so good I emptied the dishwasher, reloaded it, made a coffee, smoked a couple of fags, all without pausing the film.

Had they made it in the same period as the original TV series I could have understood it but to update it, with such an awful cast, script and plot, was just a complete waste of time.
The latest Die Hard movie, the fifth one. Utter shit...It started poorly and ended as a masterpiece of bullshit. Bruce was fighting the bad guys in Chernobyl about Uranium. One of the few times I was really thinking about leaving the cinema early.
the latest Twilight film swept the Razzies by the way if there was any proof not to milk a franchise too far this was it splitting the last film into two parts because they knew all the single females would go mad over it
My ex is also a twilight fan. What happens to vampires in sunlight? 99% of books/films/tv they burn/disintegrate/melt but in the twilight series it's a far worse fate.

They sparkle.

How can you take any film seriously when they get the basics laws of fictional physics wrong.
To be honest I'm surprised the current teenage population survived the series. I wonder if there is a link between teenage suicides and twilight?
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