Movies The worst film you ever saw.

Unbreakable starring Bruce Willis what a complete and utter load crap, I actually felt insulted by the fact I chose to watch that diabolical piece of shit......

ermmm....once again I quite liked that. I actually quite like most of M Night Shamalamadingdong's films

Alien vs Predator Requiem - complete rubbish and mockery of both franchises

I'll give you an amen on that one brother! I actually considered asking for my money back when I left the pictures after that one.
I have to agree, that is the worst death scene I have ever had the displeasure of seeing. I would also nominate it as showing off the worst mustache of all time!
You clearly haven't seen many Turkish films then :D

No, I haven't. And if that particular example is typical of the quality to be expected, I don't think I ever will;)

In the scene in question, I loved how the guy turned to face the wall, showing there were no wounds on his back. The woman then fired once and lo and behold, there were then TWO wounds there!
I'd like to think if I'd been fatally shot that I wouldn't stagger around for a minute as someone kept shooting me, all the time for some reason screaming "HWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", but y'know, that's just me.
'tis the season to watch shit films. Tra la la la la la la la la la...

So, Cut Throat Island with Gina Davis and Matthew Modine, Dinocroc vs Supergator and then part 3 of the original Planet of the Apes Pentalogy. What a day :D
the Last Airbender !

The cartoon was good but the live movie was horrible

- Allegations of institutional racism by Hollywood putting in white actors to play lead characters when the cartoon depicts them as Asian - Oriental. You notice all the tribes are oriental or asian except the Southern Water tribe.

The word "Bender" being used so many times might amuse people
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