Movies The worst film you ever saw.

Agreed but then I didn't like any of the planet of the apes films they are just to ridiculous for words how could an ape make a massive leap in evolution when it has already gone down its own evolutionary path it is just to stupid for words.

Complete bollocks.....


And Roddy McDowell was shit in the original films which probably tainted my view of anything that was to come later.
OMG. They are making a sequel to "Sin City". At least this time I won't waste my money on a film I will walk out in the middle of.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011).

Agreed but then I didn't like any of the planet of the apes films they are just to ridiculous for words how could an ape make a massive leap in evolution when it has already gone down its own evolutionary path it is just to stupid for words.

Complete bollocks.....


And Roddy McDowell was shit in the original films which probably tainted my view of anything that was to come later.

Sorry guys gonna have to disagree with you on that front. Am a bit of a fan of the Apes franchise.

Mephistopheles you've misunderstood the whole franchise. The Apes didn't evolve to rule the planet they were scientifically evolved(in all 3 different versions) by humans themselves before humans have wiped themselves off the planet (via nuclear war, time travel or chemical war fare depending on your franchise) therefore leaving them as the superior species on the planet.
I still think Gaylend was a **** though, and why would they think humans couldn't speak?

Because after the nuclear war and the radiation humans have gone mute. Yes I know thats a funny one but its only in the first franchise. Origanally it was a book by a french guy and the title roughly translates as Monkey Planet. In that they have helicopters and spaceships the lot.
I grew up watching the Planet of the Apes TV series, collected the cards, have all the original films on DVD and will get the two new ones on Blu-Ray when they come out as a box set. I love 'em, all of 'em.
Johnny Carwash you think thats bad you should try the sequels!

Actually don't. You'll never get the time back.

I grew up watching the Planet of the Apes TV series, collected the cards, have all the original films on DVD and will get the two new ones on Blu-Ray when they come out as a box set. I love 'em, all of 'em.

I don't think this latest one and the Wahlberg one are linked - this most recent one was such a succes though that they're planning a sequel so more Ape goodness to look forward to FB Hurrah!
At the end of Planet of the Apes Marky Mark goes back to earth to discover it is being run by apes. I assumed this was a prequel to Rise of but I may be wrong.
But Marky Mark, his funky bunch, Monkey Bonham-Carter basicaly changed the earth past so that it was apes that became the dominant species and not humans - or thats how I read it - so I didn't think they quite tied in. Plus in Rise there was all the newspaper headlines about the missing 'mission to Mars' which I thought was them setting up yet another remake of the original and being that Rise was kind of a remake of the 4th original Ape film anyway that would make sense.

Maybe we should have a seperate Monkey madness thread on this one.
I loved the original 70's movies - one of the defining moments in cinema for me was when they galloped along the beach and the Statue of Liberty was buried in the sand, almost to the top.

The latest movie though was just crap.
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