Movies The worst film you ever saw.

Never ever, tell a computer to protect the crew and complete the mission. It's just too much for it.
The Others. Only caught the last 20 mins but my flatmate had said nothing had happened up to that point anyway. Pointless film.
A Clockwork Orange

I had the misfortune to catch 10 minutes of it this evening.
What an unmitigated pile of crap.

I've seen it all the way through and thought I was the only one not to worship it.

There's barely a storyline and it's not about anything. Reminded me of those early Nirvana tracks that clearly had very little thought in the lyrics, but the fans invet genius meanings to go with them.
Glad it's not just me.

Sometimes I think people claim to like a certain film/song/piece of art due to peer pressure.
Hmmm, I'll take a look at that but having watched Behind Enemy Lines it's going to have to be pretty bad. There's nothing worse than a film that takes itself too seriously, although Starring Madonna comes pretty close.
Where the hell did you find that spesh? That will take some beating.

My flatmate recommended a shocker to me that he said is the worst film he's ever seen. Its called: "A serbian film" I've just rented it so will let you know how bad it is!
For my recent 31st Birthday I was bought 2 movies on DVD by my 'friends' - one called Sharktupuss and the other called Strippers vs Werewolves.

I have a feeling when i get round to watching them that they may make an appearence on this thread
Ladies and Gentlemen I have a new film to add to this list for you - Ted. I enjoy Family Guy but this appears to be an attempt by Seth McFarlane simply to recycle old jokes from his TV shows and be as crude as possibly. For the first time in my life I walked out of a cinema before the film had ended - think we made about 40 minutes. What a complete and utter load of crap.
Where the hell did you find that spesh? That will take some beating.

My flatmate recommended a shocker to me that he said is the worst film he's ever seen. Its called: "A serbian film" I've just rented it so will let you know how bad it is!

I've heard the serbian film features some scenes that would disgust Max Mosely even in his kinkiest mood.

It's crazy that a guy with enough of an imagination to create something like Family Guy actually can't do anything else. Every other thing he's done has been Family Guy with a different name.

He should do a show/film about a bearded man with a nagging missus, a pet/toy that shouldn't talk (but does!) and some sort of malvelont infant. I'd get into that.
Maybe it's for a "younger" audience? The wife thought the trailers made it look funny, I'd had enough after 20 minutes and she picked her bag up after 40 and said "let's go".
Panic Button - what a pile of shit and 90 minutes of my life I won't get back.

I think I should post watching this film in the stupidest thing I've ever done thread....
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