jez101 said:Are you ok using the time loss figure?
That is the difference between going through the pitlane at 62mph and going around the track. ie the actual time in the pitlane is 21s + whatever it takes to cover the same distance on the circuit, isn't it?
Not quite sure what you mean, but the way I understood that figure was that driving at 62mph for the length of the pit lane would cost 21s.
Brogan said:It's a lot simpler than using the pit lane length to calculate any gain made by increase the speed limit.
Just do it as a percentage of the increase.
So to make it easy, if the time in the pit lane at 100kph is 25 seconds, if we increase the time by 10% to 110kph then the time will reduce by 10%, or 2.5 seconds (roughly).
Yes, perhaps it is, but my mind doesn't work like that and I had already had a look at some of the figures involved. Plus it made me use my brain a little bit, something that rarely gets done