Team Radio & Bringing the sport in disrepute


Champion Elect
I'm sorry for bringing this up again and I didn't really know where to put it but... Shorty before Hamilton and Massa collided in Singapore Rob Smedley (Massa's race engineer) told Massa to "destroy Hamilton's race", I just wish this was broadcast during the race as it could have raised some very uncomfortable questions for Ferrari and Massa.

Got it from the Singapore race edit.
I'm sorry for bringing this up again and I didn't really know where to put it but... Shorty before Hamilton and Massa collided in Singapore Rob Smedley (Massa's race engineer) told Massa to "destroy Hamilton's race", I just wish this was broadcast during the race as it could have raised some very uncomfortable questions for Ferrari and Massa.

Got it from the Singapore race edit.

I hope the stewards have listened to this......"Hold up Hamilton as much as you can.....destroy his race etc"
Well.....Massa did that alright.
Lewis has lost points again.
So did FM take his foot off the throttle?
I'm sorry for bringing this up again and I didn't really know where to put it but... Shorty before Hamilton and Massa collided in Singapore Rob Smedley (Massa's race engineer) told Massa to "destroy Hamilton's race", I just wish this was broadcast during the race as it could have raised some very uncomfortable questions for Ferrari and Massa.

Got it from the Singapore race edit.

"Hold Hamilton up as much as you can - destroy Hamilton's race as much as you can"

Hardly prima facie evidence that Massa backed off on his throttle.
"Hold Hamilton up as much as you can - destroy Hamilton's race as much as you can"

Hardly prima facie evidence that Massa backed off on his throttle.

I'm not saying Massa backed off the throttle, just that drivers and engineers should be more careful with their choice of words if it could be broadcasted to hundreds of millions of people. I even Montoya was told to kill someone a few years back...

Anyway back to the subject of this thread... I really hope Kobayashi has a good home race. It would be great for the Japanese fans with all that's going on at the moment and it would be good for Kobayashi who's been on a bit of a bad run recently as FI and Renault's updates have work and Sauber's hasn't.

Hamilton's another that needs a solid result, a podium position is achieveable and should quell the bickaring about him.

I'm also still hoping that Vettel has a DNF sometime... It has to happen, doesn't it!? :please: Well I don't want him to DNF I just want him to have a bad start and get caught up in the pack so that he can't scamper off as he tends to do.
"Hold Hamilton up as much as you can - destroy Hamilton's race as much as you can"

Whether or not Massa lifted, Hamilton was locked up and going in too hot already, I'd far rather the stewards only handed out penalties for stuff that was intentional/dangerous though. Look at motogp for example, Lorenzo knocked Rossi off today, did he mean to? No. Was it just an accident? Yes. Did he get a penalty? No.

Far more sensible approach, especially since Motogp is far more dangerous than F1.
I'm not saying Massa backed off the throttle, just that drivers and engineers should be more careful with their choice of words if it could be broadcasted to hundreds of millions of people. I even Montoya was told to kill someone a few years back...

Barrichello was told to kill Heidfeld a couple of years ago:

The radio message really is a non story, every sensible person surely realizes it's just a figure of speech and something which shouldn't be taken serious?

Anyway, here's hoping for a Sauber 1-2!
We all know how Massa tends to be motivated/babied through a race by Mr. Smedley. It shouldn't come as news to us all.

Its just motivational techniques from Rob, no? Hamilton had upset Massa on Saturday, so this is the way he tries to get Massa going quick.

Got to be worth a try, hasn't it?
I agree that FM was not sour about 2008, coped well & went thru 2009 without mentioning LH., Kimi was his team mate then.
Singapore 2008....Massa leading until the wall incident.

Singapore radio (from You Tube)
Rob Smedley to FMassa " Hold up Hamilton as much as you can, destroy his race as much as you can"........
FM " I've got a puncture"
LH "I can't believe it"
Felipe Baby certainly did....., Lewis plucked his front wing off on Massa's tyre......& got a drive thru as well
I'm sorry for bringing this up again and I didn't really know where to put it but... Shorty before Hamilton and Massa collided in Singapore Rob Smedley (Massa's race engineer) told Massa to "destroy Hamilton's race", I just wish this was broadcast during the race as it could have raised some very uncomfortable questions for Ferrari and Massa.

Got it from the Singapore race edit.

We all know how Massa tends to be motivated/babied through a race by Mr. Smedley. It shouldn't come as news to us all.

Its just motivational techniques from Rob, no? Hamilton had upset Massa on Saturday, so this is the way he tries to get Massa going quick.

Got to be worth a try, hasn't it?

It could also be argued that this was encouraging unsporting behaviour and carrying grudges into races,

Unless Smedley said the same about all other drivers behind Massa

Mentally Massa was goaded into acting unfairly toward Lewis and the resultant accident makes more sense wether it can be proved that Massa lifted off or not

My respect for Massa and Ferrari has actually decreased further
Just goes to show how subservient to Alonso Massa is at Ferrari

'your job today is to destroy one of Fernados actual competitors for third place in the WC'

Felipe, Lewis is faster than Alonso, do you understand?'
Also, how can it be motivational tactics to request a driver drive slower (hold someone back) surely he should be saying DRIVE FASTER, the enemy is behind you, arrive home first, not forget your race and concentrate on screwing his?

As was said earlier, these two are not even in the same ballpark as far as WC points, how can it be justifiably racing wise?
I seem to recall Roberto Moreno (who was being lapped) holding up Thierry Boutsen so that Piquet snr could catch him up (can't remember which race) and it resulted in blue flags being introduced.

Given the FIA are supposed to monitor all radio messages I would think an instruction such as this is pretty close to "bringing the sport into disrepute" and Ferrari should be made to explain themselves. Can anyone post the time on the race edit so that I can hear it for myself?
Ok and this thread has now decended into foil hatted lunacy again!

I only posted it because I thought it was interesting, I wasn't saying Massa/Smedley had a vendetta against Hamilton and I think people with too much imagination are reading into this too much.

No one is saying Smedley/Massa have a vendetta

Just that it shines light on the contact between the two, if one is racing and the other is spoiling, then misunderstandings and accidents can follow

It also invites speculation regarding Massa's role within the team

Don't worry, no one is saying that Lewis is part of a conspiracy or is picked on or unfairly penalised or harshly criticised.

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