Movies Star Wars gets new films.

I watched Rogue One the other night, what a load of crap.

Can't say fairer than that. I thought it was like someone who had heard a second hand account of the Star Wars story, in Korean, decided to make a Star Wars story and threw in a WWII D-Day beach invasion scene for fun.

Just terrible.
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How does that work? Obi Wan was old enough to be Luke's grandfather and Luke is old enough to be Rey's.

Are you suggesting that Obi Wan was not such a hermit after he retired? After he gave Anakin such a hard time about Padme... :rolleyes:
jez101 and cider_and_toast I'm about to go all geek here but anyways.

The theory is NOT that she is the daughter of Obi Wan but a descendent (hence his voice in the force vision). Obi Wan did have a love affair pre fall of the empire (see Clone Wars) and this may have resulted in an offspring either known or unknown to Kenobi. This has then resulted in Rey. Luke is obviously aware of who she is.

Whilst the argument would be 'hey Jedi's aren't meant to have sex' this would be wrong. Jedi aren't meant to have attachments (I.e people they love unconditionally) as it clouds their judgement. Obi Wan ended his affair for this very reason. Anakin quite clearly put his in the way.

I Don't believe this picture by the way I think it's prob just Daisy and Josh Gadd goofing off again.

I favour the 'daughter of Han and Leia' theory with Snook or Kylo having erased everyone's memories (apart from Luke of course....and prob Chewie's are R2's....they always know what's going on but never say).
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I liked it so much more when I didn't have to remember 40 years of back story spread across 9 films. My brain hurts.

The former theory is actually more "realistic"

Yes, I agree, but it's called the 'skywalker saga' for a reason.

Plus the Falcon is on that particular planet at that particular time with Rey knowing how to fly it perfectly. Come on!
Empire's good but it lacks a coherent end to it. The Empire don't really win and the rebels are left in limbo.

Luke comes up with a series of convoluted plans to rescue Han when clearly a small force of rebel troops would have had him out of there in 10 minutes flat.

I get that its the middle part of the story but the final bit just runs out of steam.
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