On the subject of the miracle shot to destory the Death Star, not only did the torpedo turn through right angles but also managed to not hit the walls of the tube all the way down to a point at which the explosion would have been large enough to cause a problem. Given that the Death star was supposed to be 161Km across, yes that's 161000 metres across, the shot would have to travel down a small tube for almost 80Km before detonating and given that we know that it explodes on impact (we know this because the first two fired do) then that is one incredible shot. Also, you can't say that the reactor was closer to the surface than that because we know it wasn't from the mission brief given to the pilots in the room.
Also, Luke has just joined the rebel alliance, he has absolutely no experience flying fighters and his only experience of combat is the rather bizarre habbit of killing small animals at random back home on the farm. He would have no idea about tactics or how to handle a big fighter such as an X-wing. It's a bit like asking someone who's qualified to fly a little prop driven plane at the weekends to go out and fly a Eurofighter. I know they have R2 units but Eurofighters are equipped with ultra modern flight computers, your weekend pilot still couldn't fly one in combat.
Well I've never seen Star Wars.
Why is it that Yoda shuffles around with a walking stick and is old and slow but the moment he starts fighting he bounces around like Zebedee on crack....
Boing time to stick you with my lightsaber..
It definitely DOES look the same Greenlantern101.