Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
Lewis Hamilton has got the realisation that

1) He has getting beaten for the first time by a teammate consistently
2) He's admitted he's found it tough growing up without his dad around
3) He's off field activities come under more scrutiny if he is not successful
4) He's forgetten how it feels to be on top at least for 1 day
5) He's had a tortorous period where he is no longer considered the fastest and his reputation as one of the best is being questioned
He's had a tortorous period where he is no longer considered the fastest and his reputation as one of the best is being questioned

I'd hardly consider half a dozen races 'a torturous period'. And if people are questioning Hamilton being one of the best drivers on the grid after this 'torturous period' of 5 or 6 races then perhaps they need to take a step back and question their own perceived knowledge of the sport.
Lewis Hamilton has got the realisation that

1) He has getting beaten for the first time by a teammate consistently

4) He's forgetten how it feels to be on top at least for 1 day
5) He's had a tortorous period where he is no longer considered the fastest and his reputation as one of the best is being questioned

I find it amusing how people are quick to assume what's in Lewis' mind

He himself has said that it's not his driving, but other factors that have caused his slump in results

Everyone can see that he is still a great driver, but any driver confronted with what he has had this year including several racing incidents for which he has been heavily penalised with dnfs and/or drive throughs would likely have a slump also

So he probably still thinks that he is the best, he will know that once incidents and stewards and team errors stop finding him the results will come

Why would he be worried about being beaten over a few races by his teammate? He doesn't think he has suddenly gotten worse, he knows his teammate is driving the car to it's potential

In Monza he drove a race strategy that was all about finishing the race without incident or penalty, I doubt he worried after the race that those finishing ahead of him were now faster and better

Why would he be adversly affected by his slower teammate beating him when he knows there is a reason that will not remain for ever?

I wasn't sure he would be able to hold Mark off until the end of the race, but it was some great driving and defending.

Was it tyres or fuel though which allowed all the others to close up on him?

Apparently there were tyre marbles lodged in the front wing slots which lost him front downforce (an issue which Pirelli really need to address for next year), and Button had a rock hit his front wing which also lost him downforce.
Can I bring your attention to this article:

Particularly these:

McLaren team boss Martin Whitmarsh added: "It was one of his great, great drives. I'm very proud of what he did."
"After all sorts of detractors, I think he should leave this [race] feeling that was an absolutely thorough, brilliant piece of driving," he said.
"To defend like that throughout a race with a car that wasn't performing as well as it should have been.
"It's easy to win races when you're at the front and you've got the best car; the real style and real class is when you've got a car that is not performing as it should and you defend.
"You could see that was not easy what Lewis did. It was relentless.
"When you have a car behind you which is quicker and has DRS to be able to hold on like that was truly brilliant. It was a great, great drive."
When asked if he knew if there was any reason why Hamilton did not seem wholly happy after the race, Whitmarsh responded: "Professionally he's happy.
"I can comment on his professional life. He says he's happy and any enquiry regarding his state of happiness should be to Lewis not to me.
"I've known Lewis a long time and I told him before the race to be relaxed. He was very determined and focused, and the summary is he should be incredibly satisfied with what he has done this weekend."

That sounds like positively gushing praise, and yes, he's talking about Lewis!
I don't agree with Lewis bringing his R n B hip hop friends to the races

I would prefer Lewis to be back at the front and wiping the smile of Vettel and Alonso and therefore stop letting things like making a brand of himself distract him
I don't want to open a can of warms, but I read something interesting on another forum, here's what the comment was:

I've just seen a couple of rumours that flying around Yeongnam as apparently 2 rumours were he had a huge bust up with the McLaren management post race in Suzuka & also the final rumour was that he was depressed becausee he had broken up with his girlfriend.
But both have massively denied by both Hamilton, Whitmarsh & Mclaren

The latter could be true, don't know about the first, since Nicole doesn't seem to be around the McLaren garage recently, I don't remember a race this season where she has been, while last season she was nearly at most of the races.
I don't want to open a can of warms, but I read something interesting on another forum, here's what the comment was:

The latter could be true, don't know about the first, since Nicole doesn't seem to be around the McLaren garage recently, I don't remember a race this season where she has been, while last season she was nearly at most of the races.

I was thinking about Nicole should be around to help him but I realised she's busy on American x factor so she's hardly got any time for Lewis at the moment you can blame Simon Cowell the money grabber

If they have broken up an official statement will come out soon like last year
I don't want to open a can of warms, but I read something interesting on another forum, here's what the comment was:

The latter could be true, don't know about the first, since Nicole doesn't seem to be around the McLaren garage recently, I don't remember a race this season where she has been, while last season she was nearly at most of the races.

It would back up the theory that its off track issues which Lewis is not disclosing
He also said last week if he needed someone to chat to then he calls his missus.

Fast, brilliant defending, brilliant at regaining his lost position (almost looked calculated).
"I believe that withstanding pressure is the mark of a world champion, and I think I showed that in today’s race."

Yes you did Lewis, yes you did.
This is my view of "the girlfriend situation".

So what?

Lewis is a professional racing driver who is getting paid a lot of money to drive a McLaren-Mercedes and he shouldn't be concerned with any one girl at his age.

Women come and go. There's PLENTY of girls for Lewis to pick and choose from over the course of the next few years.

His sole focus should be winning races and championships and to heck with some woman who has her own professional obligations.

He needs to have a solid professional team looking out for all his interests at every Grand Prix...not some woman with whom he's up or down or sideways or whatever and who isn't there 100 percent for him.

Advice to Lewis:

My dear Lewis, you're a good looking and successful young man and there's plenty of fish in the sea. Do what James Hunt and Kimi Raikkonen did. Have fun and don't get tied down to some lady at this young age. Concentrate on Formula One and marry someone after you've got 3 or 4 World Championships under your belt.

I'm there for you, my boy! Call anytime! ;)
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