Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
Hamilton was getting irritated again today, at one point telling the pit wall to "not talk to him when he's in a corner".

Clearly he was rattled/annoyed by Vettel's pace and then being put on the opposite tyre to the one he wanted for his final stint, which wasn't an option as he had no new sets left.

It's quite possible that his biggest challenge this year may not be from his team mate.

Early days though, it could have just been a one off due to how the tyres perform at Malaysia.
Kimi does it all the time, it's funny then. Lewis has said before, don't talk to me when I'm in a corner/making a manouver, if its not of crucial importance I don't see why they can't respect that. I think he was also annoyed because he hadn't been told what he was supposed to be doing, he heard talk of another stop. And that ps not contradictory, they can give him informatiin like that when he's on a straight.
Regarding Ferrari, I don't think so. I think he'll sign a multiple year deal with Mercedes. At a guess I'd say three years with options.
Hamilton was getting irritated again today, at one point telling the pit wall to "not talk to him when he's in a corner".

Clearly he was rattled/annoyed by Vettel's pace and then being put on the opposite tyre to the one he wanted for his final stint, which wasn't an option as he had no new sets left.

I don't blame Hamilton or any other driver at being irritated or annoyed while entering or in a corner, when someone suddenly decides to give a call on the radio......unless it's an emergency.

Both Lewis and Nico used mediums during Q1, and I wonder what effect if any did that have on Hamilton's availability of medium tires for the race. It didn't seem to trouble Rosberg, because he had a set of mediums that were used during his last pit stop.
Makes me wonder how much communication there is on 44FM; did Hamilton really not know until he got 'these' tyres on that he was getting primes?

Wouldn't he have started knowing he had one new option and three prime? Wouldn't they have told him before the stop?

Maybe it is just that Hamilton will shut up and drive, while Rosberg is halfway to getting the race on 5 Live as he's going.
I wish for starters they'd stop calling the fucking things 'options' and 'primes'. What's wrong with calling them by what they actually are? Anyway, options suggest they are an option which we know they're not.

Back on topic, Rosberg complained about lack of information, Hamilton complained about confusing and then too much information. It sounds as if Mercedes had an off day on the pit wall.
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The problem with calling them "medium", for example, is that you then need to know whether the teams have "soft" or "hard" available to figure out whether a driver is on the faster tyre or the more durable tyre. If it's option or prime you immediately know how to interpret what's going on.
Surely everyone knows the harder the more durable the softer the faster?

By that reasoning they should call them 'quick' and 'long'. That's clearer than option and prime. I can never remember which is which.
Right, now we're getting somewhere. You see, you'd like to think I'd know this really but I just wait until the commentators say which type of tyre they have on. (or I try and remember the side wall stripe).

It would be good if they just called them "durable" and "faster" or similar as I suggested above. Where did they get Prime and Option from? Two more misleading names you couldn't find for tyres.
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I still think just calling a spade, a spade makes more sense. If he's on softs then say so, if he goes onto hards then say so. It's up to the commentary team to ensure that folks can keep up
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You beat me to it! I was just about to post that link. anyone heard anything about the length of the contract?

Going back to tyres I cann never remember which is the softer/ faster tyre when they say prime and option, especially in the heat of the race. Wish that just say softer or harder.
All the different reports just goes to show that no one actually knows the value of the contract or how long it's for. What ever number it is you would think all the guys in Brackley must be queuing up outside Toto's office looking for a pay rise if Mercedes have that much cash to piss down the the drain. They should have asked Frank Williams to do the negotiations, Lewis would be in a Manor next season or driving in Nascar.
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