Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
The Artist..... I have stopped watching BBC breakfast, I was fed up with them covering just 3 stories (if you're lucky), repeated every 20 minutes. Also the bias during the referendum was appalling.

My advice is switch to ITV. Worth it just for Laura Tobin on the weather.

I agree with you about BBC breakfast; however, I can't stand ITV's output - I feel it's even worse! I have long believed that BBC should have an option; on News24, there should be a standard news output, and BBC breakfast could be a little "funkier", perhaps...
I can't bear either. The BBC seems to treat its viewers like children, and ITV probably is for children.. If I watch TV news or breakfast TV then it's Sky. And that's not great either, plus the ads are relentless.
Thankfully the Internet has rendered TV news almost worthless apart from on-the-spot coverage of major news stories.
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Don't I remember "The Sports Personality of the Year" being sneered at on this forum? Ah, that was before Hamilton wasn't it.:whistle:
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Eh? Hamilton made his F1 debut in 2007. Clip the Apex slipped from the electronic birth canal in 2008.

Hamilton has been runner up twice already.

I'm sure if you look back through the archives there will be more than enough mentions of SPOTY.

Like these:

or this one:

I believe the appropriate smiley is this one: :whistle:
There is a whole world of ballyhoo out there, and the indignation, accusations and unsportsperson like outbursts are deafening! Here on CTA there is hardly a murmur...

What I find particularly interesting about all the accusations of fixing, multiple votes, pleas for calm and support for democracy. Is that no where in any corner or crevice of commentary on this subject has anybody mentioned one glaringly obvious fact: Terrestrial TV and the BBC has next to no live coverage of golf! And that overall the coverage that golf gets compared to F1 is measly. Had Rory not been so successful this year we might all be forgiven for forgetting that golf existed at all!

SKY has only just recently begun to annex F1, their assault on Golf is decades old. Lots more people may play golf nowadays but fewer and fewer are watching it on television. F1 will ultimately go the same way as golf and become as dimly lit and seen by ever fewer people, due to SKY making ever bigger demands upon its coverage.
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I can't help but agree; Sky's entire business model seems to be to grab a monopoly of various sports, lower the fan base to only those who can afford/are willing to pay for Sky Sports, and the logical conclusion is that the sports suffer. Cricket has become much more of a marginal sport since the ashes moved onto Sky, so has golf, so will F1. People like Bernie are only interested in the short term profits they can make, rather than long term stability!
Is cricket still going?

Apparently - although I haven't seen it for many years, so it might just be a mythical creature now!

Has the lack of TV golf anything to do with the numbers of people playing golf decreasing?

I understood that it was the opposite; more people playing, but because of TV, no-one watches it any mroe

Have any of the last few posts (mine included) got anything to do with Lewis Hamilton?

Yes; albeit tangential; heaps of criticism has been thrown at the BBC because Lewis Hamilton won sports personality; people have claimed that it was a fix...
....I understood that it was the opposite; more people playing, but because of TV, no-one watches it any mroe....

"Rory McIlroy has called for a faster version of golf in a bid to attract young players to the sport.

Sport England figures show that the number of 16-25-year-olds playing the game regularly almost halved between 2009-10 and 2012-13."

And I no longer play....
Didn't manage to watch it but well done Lewis, thoroughly deserved after a dominant season. The boy looks happy enough.


Oh, and well done Roscoe too.

He almost looked smart, Trousers, shirt, bowtie, Not sure about the Velvet jacket and trainers though. Wouldn't have got through the doors of my bar wearing them on a Friday night.
Not a lot wrong with a velvet jacket, I got married in one.
I think he looks very spiffy and I'm sure he needed no assistance in tying either the laces on his daps or his bow tie.
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