Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
I think its the logical place for him to move to.
Rasputini Im not doubting Perez' ability, I regard him highly, he would have been my choice for replacement if i had to choose. Fact remains McLaren (Whitmarsh)have lost a top liner. That will also have ramifications with sponsors.

cider_and_toast Me happy bunny tooLOL Very exciting. Whitmarsh and Button out my hair-nice!
I am one happy bunny this morning. Hamilton moving to Merc should at a stroke cast off the baggage that goes with the "his team" tag and he can stand or fall on his own merit. A season without "whitmarsh this and button that" is going to be pure joy for me. Bring on the sound of silence :D

Whether Hamilton races for McLaren, Mercedes or Andrea Moda, he'll always be a popular topic for discussion for obvious reasons.
I'm guessing McLaren won't be going into too much detail with Hamilton regarding upgrades for the remainder of the season, i'm sure they don't want him taking over ideas to Merc (although i'm not sure how much of the design stuff the drivers carry across when they move).
I think its the logical place for him to move to.
Rasputini Im not doubting Perez' ability, I regard him highly, he would have been my choice for replacement if i had to choose. Fact remains McLaren (Whitmarsh)have lost a top liner. That will also have ramifications with sponsors.

You assume he's left because of Whitmarsh? Like I've said in the Mclaren thread Lewis and Ron don't seem best of buds at moment either. Also as I said over on the other thread Mclaren have time and time again survived big names leaving and they'll just shed a tear at the end of the season, shrug their shoulders and cinecentrate on building the best car they can for next season. The team has always been bigger than its drivers.

I am interested to see how things go at Merc for Lewis it has potential for runaway success it has potential for disaster. Still if it goes bottoms up he could always jump ship to Red Bull for 2014 when Vettel goes to Ferrari.
Brilliant move for Lewis. After McLaren disrespected him by offering a wage cut, I thought he was more likely to move.

I don't think he will win the championship next year, but when its all change in 2014 with V6 turbos everyone will start from a clean sheet, which will most benefit the teams with big budgets. Great move. Very happy.
racecub I'd agree with you in regards to the sponsors if anyone other than Perez had replaced Hamilton, but I think you're forgetting that Perez is backed by TelMex owned by the world's richest man, Carlos Slim. I'm sure any sponsors McLaren may lose with Hamilton's departure will be easily replaced.

Back to Hamilton, next year will be very interesting to see truly how good Rosberg now that he'll partnered with Hamilton. Though admittedly I'm more curious about how the new McLaren pairing will fare against each other.
The Artist.....

1. Yes I'm very surprised about that, if that was a stipulation made from Hamilton's side then he will go down in my estimations
2. We still don't know that's the case, there seems to be a lot of promises re their 2014 car coupled with soured relations and potentially some elements of your point 1, could be equally as responsible or the reason
3. He does! But he's also very good at getting the inside scoop
Viscount Yes. Id forgotten TelMex, thats a good move. I think theyve done the best they could by getting Perez. I think he'll do well.
Rasputini No I dont think lewis leaving is entirely down to Whitmarsh but in a large part, and I dont just mean they way he's treated and reacted with Lewis but also he hasnt talked the talk as well as Brawn . Brawn has sold it to Lewis. He's sold him the opportunity to lead a race winning team.McLaren became complacent with lewis.
I'm not sure how you know that racecub if I'm honest. I think Mclaren have taken the stance they've always been famous for. No driver, whoever he is, is bigger than the team. Thats how they roll, thats how they've always rolled - and if Whitmarsh is offering Lewis a contract with a cut in his salery you can bet your ass he's had orders from the board above him that he has to in order to cut budget so I'm not really sure of all that.

I think this move more comes down to what Lewis wants than Mclaren's failings. To be fair to the lad he probably wants a fresh start somewhere. I'm just about to move jobs(found out yesterday actually!) and its not because I'm disgruntaled with where I am or they can't give me what they want but because I want a fresh challenege and feel a bit stagnent having been here a while. Maybe Lewis feels the same.
The Pits We already did, but as it didn't involve Hamilton, no one really cared.

I am both pleased and disappointed at Hamilton's move to Mercedes.

It's one less thing for him to be criticised over - the fact that people keep harping on about how he has been nurtured by a top team, blah, blah blah. So good on him for doing it.

On the other hand, Mercedes are unlikely to make the dramatic improvement required to be fighting at the front end of the grid next year, so F1 will be all the poorer for having one of its best drivers bimbling around in the mid field.
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