Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
Martin Whitmarsh has told Sky News that "Lewis and his management have assured me of his intentions", whatever the hell that means.

Lovely phrase. Sounds to me like if Lewis needs to inform Whitmarsh of his intentions, rather than Whitmarsh and Hamilton discussing their intentions, the driver is off.
Interesting article there. Whitmarsh sounds like he isn't sure if Hamilton will sign on the dotted line. I like the "he knows where he's best off" bit. Anyone remember when Prost gave his winners trophy away so that the McLaren couldn't have it? I think it's been a long standing contractual requirement that all drivers trophies are the property of the team (for display at their HQ) while the driver is given a replica. Prost knew just how much it would bug Ron Dennis so I think if I remember righty he leaned over the edge of the podium and dropped it in to the crowd.

Seems like nothing changes at McLaren.

As for "Brand Lewis" all I can say is that sort of bullshit in modern sport just makes me want to :sick:

Can anyone imagine Brabham, Hill, Clark and Gurney sat around in a room (yeah, they were friendly enough to do that years ago) enjoying a post race pint and talking about how their "brand development" was going?

Ah well, as I've posted before, a lot of it is all about the money and good luck to them if they can make it.
The term "Brand Lewis" is a complete nonsense. Has Hamilton ever mentioned this, or even alluded to it. Not that I know of.

And if that is truly the aim for him and his management team, they're failing miserably. I would venture a guess that a maximum of one out of ten people in the States even know who Lewis Hamilton is. His girlfriend is much more well known.

Anybody who thinks that Lewis is more interested in becoming a US/Global icon than in winning Grands Prix is simply deluding themselves.
A thought about Lewis. If indeed he is off to pastures new he would be stupid to say so whilst in with a chance of the drivers championship. In a team that already favours the other driver he would seriously compromise the rest of his races.
I believe Button after touting himslf at Red Bull and Ferrari also left his decision to resign till late-was it November?
As far as I can recall (although I may be starting to suffer from age related dimentia) there is only one F1 driver in history to become his own brand. That man is Stirling Moss. As Bruce Lee might have said, "he was F1 World Champion widdout bein' World Champion". He later became, surprisingly, Stirling Moss!:D.
I would say that right now racing is the most important thing in Lewis's life. He has allowed way too many distractions to creep in in the past but thankfully thats behind him. I just hope he signs with McLaren again soon, so he can totally concentrate on what matters to him most. The most recent interview with Martin Whitmarsh left me feeling they care very much about Lewis but are becoming somewhat impatient with his management team. I get a gut feeling that's where the problem lies.
Yes, indeed Kewee , your point about the management team may just be hitting the nail on the head. Their priorities probably lean far more to pushing the "glitzy superstar" fantasy than the real life serious racing driver. I don't know much about football but as far as Beckham goes he's almost invisible to me and I can't remember being impressed by his football for several years. Is that how we want to see Lewis in a couple of years? Is that how Lewis wants to see Lewis? Personally I don't think so and I'm wondering (like loads of other peep's obviously) if they are the right management for the job.
Fenderman......This may be a slight contradiction considering the posting I just made but it's my belief that Lewis made his own management choice. It my well have been another poor decision. I've always thought drivers should search within the sport to find someone to act as their manager, someone who has a deep understanding of the sport. They may not scrape every last dollar out of a contract for the driver they represent, but you can be sure every other decision they make will help a driver achieve his maximum within his chosen team, and its those fine details that will take them to the very top and help them stay there. Isn't that the very thing they live for. I don't think Lewis would have to search very far to find an F1 insider that could make a damn good job of looking after him, keeping him isolated from outside distractions during race weekend shielding him from all the crap, instead of exposing him to it. I can imagine what Simon Fullers expectations are in his efforts to create his very own F1 rock star. :(
^He already has that in Didier Coton - Mika Hakkinen's former manager.

I understand the trepidation surrounding Lewis' off-circuit management team, but if his on-circuit management team had been up to snuff this year I've no doubt that Lewis would already have a contract in hand.

I think McLaren have tabled an offer. Possibly a take it or leave it one
I know your not meant to mention Alonso on this thread LOL but he just has one manager. Not having a management team seems to work fine for him. Less complicated. ;)
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