Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
He was at the GP after party on Sunday. I've heard it's his diary and sponsorship commitments, you need to book him well in advance.
With (almost) no possibility of moving to Ferrari or Red Bull in the near future, the only sensible option open to Lewis is to stay at McLaren. But he should do all he can to get the team focused on him, really get involved with car development etc. and take things by the scruff of the neck.

As for this year, I really think he needs to match or preferably beat Alonso and the two Red Bull drivers in the next couple of races to stay in the championship battle.
Well it certainly doesn't look good, but every national newspaper reporting on it certainly isn't helping.

One grey area is that every photo taken in the hotel lobby is clear, except the only only one in which he is meant to be kissing another woman. Even if nothing did go on it still looks bad, let's just hope his 'bubble' isn't affected...
Ha, if only KekeTheKing. Although maybe starting the day searching for pictures of Nicole might be a good way to begin ;) Heard something about this on one of the sports bulletins on the radio yesterday and wondered if there was any truth in it - about as much truth as there is in any tabloid story I suppose. Yet another attempt to put pressure onto a young couple who have enough pressure in their lives as it is.
Dear, oh dear. This will never do. Young people really should not party. It's just not cricket,what?! I mean, you never know what might happen next ... S&M, swastika underwear, shouty girls ... oh, sorry that's call girls isn't it? For :censored::censored: sake!

One of the drawbacks of using a late afternoon train is falling into the trap of reading the toilet papers left behind by the full time commuters. I happened to read this latest claptrap in The Scum. I promise you this: even as a fictional news thingy with it's fictional stated ethic to be the lowest form of tabloid, Rooters will never be as execrable even if I tried very, very hard indeed.8-)
I've actually been to the Funky Buddha myself where Lewis was caught snapping by the press. It is more exclusive and just an excuse to rip you off buying drinks that have been marked up at least treble what you would pay in a bar

I remember the days when a certain Jenson Button was called a playboy for being snapped coming out of London clubs partying and accused of not being committed to his career as a professional racing driver and putting partying before professionalism
Now the pictures do not look clever for Lewis especially as he is recognised and yes some girls ( wannabe wags) would throw themselves at anyone famous for 5 minutes of fame to be splashed over front pages

This was always the danger if Lewis chose to hang out with people who are more interested in partying and gets caught by the papparazzi

I hope Lewis and Nicole draw a line and move on but this is not helping Lewis' reputation
I'm assuming the photos edited out the good bits, at his age and status Lewis should go somewhere a lot more fun than that looks!

If that's the typical party Lewis goes to I think Nicole's only complaint could be that he's no party animal.
I've had a go at trying to look at how many points Hamilton has lost due to things out of his control so far this season. I'm basing this on reasonable expectations from qualifying to race, or based on his position before bad stops etc. It's not perfect and I might have missed things, but I think it's in the right ball park:

Australia - Lost 2nd place due to Safety Car, 3 points lost
Malaysia - Rain, 10 points lost
China - Gearbox change, 5 place grid drop, 3 points lost
Bahrain - 2 slow pit stops, 8 points lost
Spain - No fuel sample, 23 place grid drop, 21 points lost
Monaco - (0 pts lost?)
Canada - (0 pts lost)
Valencia - Maldonado crash, 6 points lost
Britain - (0 pts lost, but rain didn't help)

TOTAL - 51 points lost.

Those extra 51 points would bring his total to 143, a 14 point lead over Alonso without even taking in to account the points that Alonso (and others) have gained from Hamilton's misfortune. It would certainly would have given McLaren a bit of a cushion before talks of crisis began, like we're seeing at the minute.
I believe your exercise is pretty futile but if you are going to do that then don't forget that by giving Lewis points in some of those races and moving him up the finishing order you are knocking Alonso back down the finishing order too. There will also be situations we can look back at where he has gained points through no fault or endeavour of his own, too.
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