Please take my comment in context
Mephistopheles . Perhaps i should have said "It would also be a bit strange to
not investigate
Schumacher's accident" instead of "It would also be a bit strange to
not investigate
the accident".
I did state "
as part of any accident investigation where a
serious injury or fatality has occurred". I am not suggesting that every nation on the planet has the will or resources to investigate every single accident let alone to the nth degree. Of course the
decision to investigate will be a subjective one depending on where and with whom such decision making rests. I would be surprised though if any serious accident at a tourist facility in a developed European country did not attract at least a cursory examination.
Even "looking at Schumacher's helmet camera" is not as big a deal as it's being made out to be. The depth of
any investigation will depend on the severity of the consequences and the availability or otherwise of evidence and witnesses.
I suggest that local newspapers are a good indication of how seriously or otherwise authorities in different places deal with the day to day mishaps of their citizens. The extent of coverage in national or international media is not necessarily a reflection of how things are dealt with at a local level. That national or international media discriminates between the famed and wealthy individuals and the inconspicuous and poor is a given. Leaving distortions of narratives by political or commercial interests aside, millions of people "knowing" someone through their exploits or impact on the national or World stage shapes the media attention.
Finally, I may mean something to those who know me but 7 billion people don't know I exist and couldn't care less what happens to me. That's my fault for not getting famous