Nico Rosberg

Nico Erik Rosberg, son of Keijo "Keke" Erik Rosberg, is about to have his 100th Grand Prix meeting this weekend in Hungary.

I was about to write my "best wishes" to him in 'his' thread...but I couldn't find, I figured I might as well start it off.

What is very interesting is that his father, Keke, took part in 114 Grand Prix races in his entire Formula One career, winning 5 of them - all for Williams from 1982 to 1985 - as well as a World Championship.

It's interesting in that Nico is approaching that number quickly and he's already about to finish off his 6th season in a few months...but without a win to his name...and no win in sight given the current pecking order of the cars.

Some say Nico is a great talent...while others say he hasn't fared well against quality teammates in their prime, so it's hard to judge. Mark Webber is, seemingly, his only reasonable benchmark and that was way back in his rookie season in a car that was one of the worst ones ever constructed by Williams.

What are people's thoughts on Nico Rosberg?

Regardless, Godspeed to Nico on the occassion of his 100th Grand Prix this weekend! :)
Did you not see the pained look on his face after qualifying Jen ? I'm not saying he should be happy but he increasingly looks like he could murder someone every time he steps out the car knowing that Hamilton has beaten him again. If Hamilton keeps winning (which is a big if) at some point Rosberg will either have to accept that he can't beat him or there will be some sort of outburst of anger either on track or off it.
The third option, of course, is to knuckle down and get the edge.

I don't see Nico as an assassin, he may or may not have a temper (although I think they are all capable); however, he is a tad more 'cerebral' than the average driver and, as such, will endeavour to 'up his game' before having to concede defeat (possibly).

In a nutshell, a competitive nice guy who hasn't yet given up, but is a bit pissed off, and knows it's down to him to change things!
He certainly didn't look happy but no different to Hamilton/Vettel/Alonso when they've been pipped.

He was professional and talked about what he needs to do in the race. Far from breaking point.
I might be wrong and I never started out as a Hamilton fan but right now I think you'd struggle to find a driver who could beat Lewis in an equal car. I think we're starting to see the Hamilton that has always been there, just not able to flourish. During this season we'll see just how great his dominance will be and what a truly great driver he is. I honestly don't believe Rosberg will have an answer.
You're a damp squib mate (Rosberg that is.) there is only one driver who has gone up against Lewis and beaten him that driver is Jenson as has been proven, Rosberg just does not have the mental mind set to do it, as Button does..

Rosberg will never beat Lewis on speed alone he has to out think him he has allowed Lewis to get into his head Jenson never let that happen, in fact it was the other way round Jenson got to Lewis..
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You've put the title of the article in quotes but that's not what he said:

"Break me down mentally? I think he will struggle with that one.
"He has the momentum. There is no way round that. I have to try to break it."

Which in driver speak translates as:

"Break me down mentally? I think he will struggle with that one.
"He has the momentum. There is no way round that. I have to try to break it."
You're a damp squib mate (Rosberg that is.) there is only one driver who has gone up against Lewis and beaten him that driver is Jenson as has been proven, Rosberg just does not have the mental mind set to do it, as Button does..

Rosberg will never beat Lewis on speed alone he has to out think him he has allowed Lewis to get into his head Jenson never let that happen, in fact it was the other way round Jenson got to Lewis..

Everything you have just said is crap.

Webber as team mate could have beaten Hamilton that year.
Only in your opinion, from my point of view it makes perfect sense, I never tell you when you talk crap do I and that is because you have a right to express what you think without insult.

The fact is Rosberg will not beat Lewis he just hasn't got the tools to do so, even he knows that you only have to look at his body language to know this.
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Aargh quit editing! On your final para I disagree, he's sitting on a handy Merc for one. I think he left the attack a lap or two too late, I could have killed his engineer telling him to wait until the end. Hamilton was not a happy boy and Rosberg could have capitalised on that but ran out of laps. He would have pulled a gap if he'd overtaken sooner but sodding DRS tactics probably came into it.
If you compare the times when both Hamilton and Rosberg were at the top of their game in a race for Mercedes, to the times when both Hamilton and Button were at the top of their game in a race for McLaren, I think I'd come to the conclusion that Rosberg and Button are roughly equivalent in terms of ability. Possibly with Nico having the edge in ultimate pace but Jenson the edge in race-craft.

teabagyokel Stop bragging about your time machine!
The fact is that Barcelona is not a track that it is easy to overtake on you have to have a significant tyre advantage or a significant car advantage to do so Rosberg had the same car as Lewis and the tyres in race conditions and of similar lappage there was no chance for Rosberg to win at that track and under those conditions he was doomed from the start, and unless he can start to out think him he will not beat him, he has tried going for the option on his first stop twice this year to beat him and twice it hasn't worked he needs to try something different, the only reason he was anywhere near Lewis in Bahrain is because of the safety car..
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