Nico Rosberg

Nico Erik Rosberg, son of Keijo "Keke" Erik Rosberg, is about to have his 100th Grand Prix meeting this weekend in Hungary.

I was about to write my "best wishes" to him in 'his' thread...but I couldn't find, I figured I might as well start it off.

What is very interesting is that his father, Keke, took part in 114 Grand Prix races in his entire Formula One career, winning 5 of them - all for Williams from 1982 to 1985 - as well as a World Championship.

It's interesting in that Nico is approaching that number quickly and he's already about to finish off his 6th season in a few months...but without a win to his name...and no win in sight given the current pecking order of the cars.

Some say Nico is a great talent...while others say he hasn't fared well against quality teammates in their prime, so it's hard to judge. Mark Webber is, seemingly, his only reasonable benchmark and that was way back in his rookie season in a car that was one of the worst ones ever constructed by Williams.

What are people's thoughts on Nico Rosberg?

Regardless, Godspeed to Nico on the occassion of his 100th Grand Prix this weekend! :)
I think Nico is the stronger individual - mentally speaking. Whether he is the luckier is a different question!
It is easier to be strong when you are the one winning.

This is a real test of resilience, and the ability to get back up every time you get knocked down. Maybe Nico could get some pointers from Mark Selby, he seems to be about the toughest sportsman mentally.

Nico seemed to be anchoring himself to the fact that he was leading the WDC, now he is not, I think it is made harder, as twice out of 4 races he has seemingly had the faster package, and twice he got beat.

I hope that he is able to make a race of it this season, but I feel he needs a couple of good results very soon.
Jen ..... I would have agreed with you a season or two back but I think Hamilton has improved mentally beyond sight. I also believe his race craft has improved measurably also. We don't see him letting himself down with silly mistakes anymore. I'd love to see him head to head in equal cars against Alonso again. If they were ever teamed together again I don't think there'd be a blow-up like last time, they've both grown up and have an equal amount of respect for each other. It would be a pleasure to watch and as much as I'm an Alonso fan I wouldn't want to call the winner. I said in a previous posting I don't think there's a driver in the field that Hamilton couldn't beat in equal cars, he's that good now and completely on top of his game, we should all enjoy the privilege of watching.
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This is a real test of resilience, and the ability to get back up every time you get knocked down. Maybe Nico could get some pointers from Mark Selby, he seems to be about the toughest sportsman mentally.

"Frickin' hell, guys, somehow I'm stuck behind a giant brown ball. I can't get past it."
"Nico has snookered you, I repeat, try to find a way around the cushion."
"I'm not driving into a frickin' wall."

Foul and a miss.
It is easier to chat with a person when one knows who they support, I find, and there are very few here who do not have a favourite - whether it be team or driver.
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As a Rosberg and Hamilton fan Jen I'm finding this season rather difficult/schizophrenic.

I am however delighted NR is getting some much deserved attention. He may be behind Hamilton who is deemed maybe once in a decade, but not much behind.
Nico with my grand-daughter in the summer of 2013. I think he is happier with machinery!

The Mercedes boys thought Nico would have 'taken' Lewis within another two or three laps last weekend. We have to believe this and hope that team preference doesn't get in the way and delay the possibility.

I have nothing against Lewis, but would like to think that it is a fair fight for at least half of the season!
Now that is a gorgeous picture, it's a pity he doesn't smile more. Your granddaughter is a little cutie pie.
Quite right Lewy. As I've said Nico started his attack three or four laps too late. He'll learn.
Indeed Lewywo4, but there was a suggestion that pit strategy held him up unnecessarily and would hope that it doesn't happen again. For a fair fight, there must be fair and equal treatment.
The pit stops are so fast now, that a momentary human error can make a one second difference. One second. Think about that. Or it could be a two or three second difference. I'm sure they do their best. But a slight fumble, or a loss of full on concentration, or even a sticky wheel nut...?
It would take me a week to change a wheel. I know they are highly trained, but they are human.
When we have pit stops with robots doing the work, maybe we can complain about how unfair it is.
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