Head To Head Nico Rosberg vs Lewis Hamilton

The fact that some people still think Rosberg has driven fairly this years amazes me.

  • Monaco park the car
  • Cuts the chicane in Canada when he was about to be overtaken
  • "I was making a point with my front wing" in Spa
Yes, he was clearly innocent in all 3 cases. ROFL
So, Rosberg was guilty of deliberately driving into Hamilton but, to quote Nigel Roebuck in his Motorsport article, "In the course of his comeback drive at Hockenheim for example, Hamilton at different times clattered into Sutil, Raikknen and Button but non, of course, was driving a Mercedes"

Ok, he cut the chicane in Canada after screwing up under pressure. He was investigated and given a warning. I presume you have no issue at all when he did the same thing twice at Monza with the exception that on this occasion Hamilton passed him at the second time. So Canada was deliberate but Monza wasn't ??

Monaco, he went in too deep and parked it up the side road. End of.
Also it seems it was impossible that he out braked himself at Monaco because it disadvantaged his teammate but at the same time he definitely out braked himself at Monza even though it was plain to see that he never even tried to make the corner on both occasions and it gave the advantage too his teammate he never even locked up and once his teammate was passed him he never even looked like he was going to do it again..

Strange that...
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It amazes me then that all Hamilton's prior misdemeanours/penalties/collisions were due to passion and out and out racer mentality (aka excusable).
Those incidents of Rosbergs were of consequence but not isolated. All season long, Rosberg had preferred to let the car run on than lock up when he has out braked himself. With so much run off these days, he is well aware that there is a get out of jail free card. The one time that he did lock up hard and try to make the corner, he did so because he was attacking and the card was not available. In fact, in that incident, he ended up going straight on after being unable to get the car stopped and super flat spotted his front tyres. He ended up in front, was rightly asked to concede the position, but instead nailed it to the pits for his one mandatory stop. There is no bad intention in Rosbergs driving, other than to use every available slack in the rule book to get him out of trouble when his driving judgement fails him. I blame the rules and the stewarding but my respect for Rosberg has waned a little as a character. That said, I've always felt he was under-rated and I'm glad he's been pitted against one of the best, so he can prove his true worth.
cider_and_toast Hamilton hitting drivers in Hockenheim deliberately held no possible advantage, Rosberg possibly hitting Hamilton in Spa did. The fact that Rosberg said he was making a point also adds to the situation don't you think?

As for outbraking himself, in Monza cutting the chicane and going round the barriers is considerably slower than actually taking the corner, I don't believe that was deliberate because he had nothing to gain from it. Conversely in Montreal cutting the chicane there is faster, therefore allowing himself not to be overtaken by Hamilton

I can accept that Rosberg might have simply out braked himself in Monaco. I merely find the time at which he did it and the fact that he decided to back his car out and extend the yellow flags (when he had nothing to gain from this) very strange. Former drivers have also questioned the moments that lead up to the 'lock up'.

I can see why you believe that these are just mistakes/random chances, fair enough. Personally one or even two I could believe but three is too many, individual events form a pattern. My earlier post was just my opinion on the subject, I can fully appreciate why you comprehensively disagree with mine.
Right, time to put the swear filter to the test again. I swear to god the man is a total total **** of the highest order.

Could you imagine the level of uproar there would be if the chairman of the Premier League made a statement that he thought it would be best for the sport all round if Chelsea won the title because it was better from a marketing point of view?

Why in the hell does he insist on undermining his own product with such stupid and pointless sentiments. Ok so he's sucking up to Hamilton given that they are sat next to each other but come on?

fuckwit is far too mild a term for me.
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