The strategy is decided in qualifying and almost cast in stone, and the kind of fowl up we saw in Hungary ensues. Were it not for Nico making errors it would be very different, were they allowed flexibility and privacy Nico may have different tools and opportunities to outwit Lewis. There are all sorts of variables and creative opportunities that are not being explored, exploited and shared with the intrigue thirsty F1 fans.Would it?
Then it's a case of the best driver wins, rather than strategy.
Hamilton has done so, several times....he should be allowed to win from the rear
The out comes were "fairly" similar, Lewis ended up being right royally screwed.It's fascinating that Rosberg's only period of dominance this season is book ended by Monaco and Spa. With both races involving incidents between the two yet the outcome was different after each one.
I for one most certainly did not find Nico not guilty! And I don't believe I am in a minority, and if there were more sane people in the World I'd be in a majority. That was an atrocious and inept example of wheel to wheel racing.In the aftermath of Spa, in which Rosberg was found not guilty by everyone except his own team, Hamilton has gone on to dominate the next 5 races and kick any threat from Rosberg into the long grass on each occasion.