Announcement New moderator required


Staff Member
Unfortunately cider_and_toast won't be around for several months from the end of July.
I could tell you why but then I'd have to kill you

The site is getting busier anyway so now is a good time to look at getting another moderator on board just to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Making someone a moderator is always fraught with dangers as some long serving members can feel overlooked, rightly so in some cases.
You could even end up creating a monster if you choose the wrong person.

So what do the members think?
How should we select the new moderator?

The existing admin/mod to decide, ask for volunteers or ask for nominations and put it to a vote/random draw (assuming then of course the nominees wish to do it)?

The site isn't overly busy and fortunately so far c_a_t has been called upon very few times, but a moderator will need to be around frequently, checking posts and ensuring everyone is getting along and complying with forum rules.

Diplomacy is about the best way of describing a moderator's job.

Over to you.
Only people with 209 posts should be considered for the job LOL

I think these decisions should always come down to Admin and existing moderators, they are in the best position to be able to say who they feel fits the bill.

If you try to have a democratic vote on it, certainly on more popular boards/forums, people can end up picking their best chum rather than who might actually be good for the role.

Hope everything's alright with c_a_t
That's unfortunate, I'm unable to moderate without a ready supply of biscuits.

Should there be a pay increase please do get in touch, my experienced moderation services can be made available for the right price.
for what it's worth, I think you and CaT should draw up a short list of people between you that you think would be suitable/appropriate and approach them. We're lucky that people are pretty well behaved here and I've not noticed a heavy moderating hand thus far, so moderating should be fairly straightforward.
I'd be happy to help out if necessary Brogan/CaT :)

As is there are many people who have been on here a lot longer, and are a lot more deserving than I.

But hey if you reach the bottom of the barrel, you know where to look :P

I'd even supply biscuits to go with the tea. Virtual ones ofc, but I'm a dab hand on photoshop and illustrator so I'm sure they'd LOOK very tasty LOL

On the topic however, definitely a decision that should be made by you powers that be :cheers:
cider_and_toast said:
[quote="fat_jez":3bgl6ixn]so moderating should be fairly straightforward.

Do we have ourselves a volunteer? LOL[/quote:3bgl6ixn]

There definitely looks like a fat_jez shaped head above the parapet! LOL

MajorDanby said:
I'd even supply biscuits to go with the tea.

If the chap's offering biscuits, I know who I'd choose... :whistle:
McZiderRed said:
There definitely looks like a fat_jez shaped head above the parapet! LOL

I'm going to have to check my post for subliminal messages, I don't remember posting "fat_jez for mod" LOL
Thanks guys.

There are a few people who we had pencilled in but it's always good to get feedback from the members.
It is a member driven site after all.

Still plenty of time, I'm sure we'll get it sorted long before c_a_t disappears for his extended break.
fat_jez said:
McZiderRed said:
There definitely looks like a fat_jez shaped head above the parapet! LOL

I'm going to have to check my post for subliminal messages, I don't remember posting "fat_jez for mod" LOL

I was just thinking along lines.................. :o
*Goes back through notes looking for anything that reads "Matthew Little for moderator" then thinks, "did anyone ask for a curmudgeon?* :D
fat_jez said:
McZiderRed said:
There definitely looks like a fat_jez shaped head above the parapet! LOL

I'm going to have to check my post for subliminal messages, I don't remember posting "fat_jez for mod" LOL

: holds hands up :

OK, you're right. There could have been a mistake.

... I don't have HD so, in your defence, there could have been the odd error. :D
why not appoint a couple of normal mods, covering half the forum between them? The reason being is that perhaps not everybody reads every forum (I only follow F1, so wouldn't read the other motorsport sections, for example).
fat_jez said:
why not appoint a couple of normal mods, covering half the forum between them? The reason being is that perhaps not everybody reads every forum (I only follow F1, so wouldn't read the other motorsport sections, for example).
Fair point jez.
So now we need more than 1 volunteer LOL

You're correct though, if someone doesn't read the other forums then there is little point in making them moderator for all of them.
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