Im on the same wavelength Enja, one or two others are but not many. Many in my opinion foolishly dismiss the idea. Couch racers that seem to know more about aerodynamics and overtaking than those building and racing the cars, in one breath will say it'll make it a NASCAR overtake frenzy and in the next saying it will make no difference! Truth is, you, me, them, have no idea! And calling it fake etc!? Well bend me backwards and give me a banana, fakery in F1? Never! It seems whatever is suggested or put forward, by demand of the fans no less, is then condemned by the very same fans!
I've not read anyone actually putting forward a better idea of how to get into the tow except the hair brain 'get rid of wings and downforce' tripe which could obviously be done overnight......
I am sorry for my angry and sarcastic approach, but lets just stop thinking about it and forget it until the start of the season. Then we can jump up and down saying what a crap idea it was. Trouble is, F1 knows it is a crap, intermediary idea, but we've asked for more track action and without impossibly expensive and immediate rule changes, there is no sensible alternative.
The flappy wing will have about the same effect as the F-duct last year, we all liked the F-duct, but by the time everyone else had it it wasn't an advantage.
So to make it any advantage it must be managed.
To manage it you need some rules.
The rules put forward on the overtaking zone and time gap are about the most simple possible way of doing so (though this still causes huge confusion and nonsense rambling), so basically, all this will do, as Pyrope correctly points out, is aid a trailing car in getting close(r) that's it. Its just a tiny tiny aid.
Grizzly out/
Well i gotta' live up to my name sometimes...
I've not read anyone actually putting forward a better idea of how to get into the tow except the hair brain 'get rid of wings and downforce' tripe which could obviously be done overnight......
I am sorry for my angry and sarcastic approach, but lets just stop thinking about it and forget it until the start of the season. Then we can jump up and down saying what a crap idea it was. Trouble is, F1 knows it is a crap, intermediary idea, but we've asked for more track action and without impossibly expensive and immediate rule changes, there is no sensible alternative.
The flappy wing will have about the same effect as the F-duct last year, we all liked the F-duct, but by the time everyone else had it it wasn't an advantage.
So to make it any advantage it must be managed.
To manage it you need some rules.
The rules put forward on the overtaking zone and time gap are about the most simple possible way of doing so (though this still causes huge confusion and nonsense rambling), so basically, all this will do, as Pyrope correctly points out, is aid a trailing car in getting close(r) that's it. Its just a tiny tiny aid.
Grizzly out/
Well i gotta' live up to my name sometimes...