a) Track testing shall be considered any track running time undertaken by a competitor entered in the
Championship with the exception of :
i) promotional events carried out using tyres provided specifically for this purpose by the
appointed supplier ;
ii) one three day young driver training test, carried out on a site approved by the FIA for Formula
1 cars and between the end of the last Event of the Championship and 31 December of the
same year, any such driver having not competed in more than two F1 World Championship
Events ;
iii) four one day aerodynamic tests carried out on FIA approved straight line or constant radius
sites between 1 January 2010 and the end of the last Event of the Championship. Any of
these days may be substituted for four hours of wind-on full scale wind tunnel testing to be
carried out in a single twenty four hour period.
b) No competitor may carry out more than 15,000km of track testing during a calendar year.
c) No track testing may take place between the start of the week preceding the first Event of the
Championship and 31 December of the same year with the following exception.
If a team declares that one of its current race drivers is to be substituted by a driver who has not
participated in an F1 race in the two previous calendar years, one day of track testing will be
permitted between the start of the week preceding second Event and the last Event of the
Championship. The following must be observed :
- Any such day may only be carried out by the new driver and may not take place on a circuit
hosting a race in the current Championship year.
- Any such day may only take place within a period 14 days prior to the substitution and 14 days
after the substitution has taken place.
- If a team, having declared the driver’s substitution and performed the test, does not then enter
an Event with the new driver, the team will be penalised by a reduction of one day from the
pre-season track testing days available in the following year.