lies, damned lies, and pretty graphs.


Valued Member
Button vs team-mates in Championship:

Championship points may not be continuous from year to year, but championship position is. At any given moment, someone is always first (or fifth)
You are clearly in a much better position to do that than me. I hope you realise that my criticism was intended to be constructive and don't think I was having a dig.

Yep "position", sorry, but that doesn't invalidate my point. If someone came 10th in one season and 1st in the next it does not mean that they were in 5th at the halfway point between the end of each championship. That is why a line graph is inappropriate.
Correct, providing it is not over multiple seasons, as there is a reset at the beginning of each season and every driver starts in 0th.

(0th, I've tickled myself with that one :))
I think it is perfectly reasonable to say that the world champion remains as number one in the championship until the first race of the following season. I've certainly never seen anyone listed as 0th.
I think it is perfectly reasonable to say that the world champion remains as number one in the championship until the first race of the following season. I've certainly never seen anyone listed as 0th.

That is because there are no results at the beginning of the season. There is also a big difference between being the reigning world champion and leading the current championship. These are two completely different things.
That is because there are no results at the beginning of the season. There is also a big difference between being the reigning world champion and leading the current championship. These are two completely different things.
Not at all, the reigning champion is simply the championship leader when the number of races remaining equals zero. I see no difficulty in charting a driver's championship position continuously over time, since championship position varies continuously over time.
Nobody has a championship position when nobody has scored a single point in the championship and a race event in that championship has not been held. Championships are isolated from one-another. Please allow me to be right on this, if only for that I am right.
To be clear, it is fine to plot positions over the course of a season. It is also fine to plot championship final positions against each other. Plotting championship position across multiple seasons is not cool, though, unless you are layering them over each other, rather than plotting them as a continuous line.
When the championship ends. They do not have a position because there is no championship. The championship is in the past. It is a historical record. Otherwise it's like saying that Allies are currently beating the Germans in the war.
Sorry, I'll say it in grown-up speak for you. "It would not be proper or correct..."

Back to the other discussion, are we now agreed that nobody turns up to a championship leading it before it has even begun? I wouldn't normally argue a point this far but there are so many simple ways to put this fact across that I would feel a total failure if I hadn't managed to do it with effect.
Back to the other discussion, are we now agreed that nobody turns up to a championship leading it before it has even begun? I


No. In football before the season's first game kicks off, league tables classify teams in alphabetic order. :)
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