Insert word here-gate

Re: "insert word here"gate

They forgot the gategate scandal, by which the media cover up the complexities of any scandal by adding the suffix -gate to the appropriate word.

And the Colgate scandal, which involved an international mafia toothpaste ring.
Re: "insert word here"gate

Down in the west country we have Ashton Gate which is a scandel surrounding a football team called Bristol City that deserve to be in the premiership but can't ever quite make it.
Re: "insert word here"gate

Yes, and of course Ashton Gate Gate which involved Crystal Palace, a stanchion and the maddening of a usually calm football manager!
Re: "insert word here"gate

You could have boiled that down to "Neil Warnock Gate". According to Neil, the world is against him and his 'team of youngsters'. Every week an injustice is done against Crystal Palace.

"Ashton Gate gate", was a minor cog in the chain that people like to shorten as "Warnock Gate". Less than savoury names have been given to this phenomenon and, as the saying goes, :censored: slung around splatters on those unfortunate to be within the vicinity. :blink:
Re: "insert word here"gate

Don't knock Ashton Gate, it's a very real and physical barrier to stop the fans popping over the road to Jewson's and landscaping the pitch so the wingers can have a picnic when they get a bit puffed :whistle:
Re: "insert word here"gate

McZiderRed said:
You could have boiled that down to "Neil Warnock Gate". According to Neil, the world is against him and his 'team of youngsters'. Every week an injustice is done against Crystal Palace.

I think Warnockgate has been attributed to many things without "teams of youngsters" getting involved. Warnockgate has been the central scandal that subscandals have been caused from, such as Tevezgate, Ashtongategate and Pollgate (2003).

Pollgate is, of course, a recurring scandal involving a crap referee!
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