Health & fitness

Interval training during the run (sprints followed by jogging) and then mixing up long and short distances. Say do 1,500 metres at full pelt one day and 10k at normal pace the next. This changes the muscle memory and should lead to faster times. Fewer chillis and white wine might also help :D
Achieved my first goal, which was to run 10K every day this week.

I have now run 120K in 2 weeks, consisting of 12 x sub 44 minute 10K, and will do a few more days probably.

Then I'm going to increase the pace to aim for the sub 40 minute.
Not yet, she starts Reception in September.

She does go to nursery for 2.5 hours a day though so that's more than enough time.

P.S. It's Maya :)
Achieved my target...and a bit more.
A total of 150K in 17 days, with 100K in the last 10 days.

All 10K runs under 45 minutes, most of them under 44, a couple under 42.
The last few runs were quite tough and my right hamstring will probably be fucked for the rest of the week at least.
But, I did it :)

Not bad for an old bloke.
As I hit my early 30's my body decided it wouldn't put up with the abuse I'd given it and I suddenly find myslef so out of shape I was having health issues. Since then I've quietly but surely worked my way back to fitness through hitting the running track.

I can't compete with Brogan but I do run 2 miles a day on my lunch at work around 4 days a week. When I first started it I was pretty woeful but now if I push myself proper hard I can do it in about 16 mins. I know thats not very impressive but 5 months ago I could barely actually run the 2 miles without feeling like I was going to have a heart attack.

Its funny how when you're unfit you don't notice how bad you're feeling but when you start to get fitter you suddenly feel so much better and can't understand how you survived before.

Have to disagree with you on running Brogan - its the only form of exercise I enjoy - headphones in and a nice scenic route down the canal. lovely.

Well done on the 10Ks fella,
Pointless fact, Melton Mowbay makes pork pies as it is close to Stilton where they make (made?) cheese. All the left of bits from the cheese making process produced big, fat piggies which were then made in to pies.
Stilton isn't made in Stilton though. I remember reading something a while ago about the reason why it was ever called Stilton in the first place, which no-one really seems to know.
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