Well I used to be mega fit and skinny when I was young.
That was until I got some medicine for eczema, and the side effects was slowing my metabolism down. Put on weight, but couldn't shake it off, despite being active a lot.
It was a disadvantage when it came to karting, I was like Montoya

but then once I got a bike for my birthday, I was cycling constantly around my house, to my friends house, it was fun.
Kept that going while doing sports such as cricket (used to play for a club), football and badminton in school and with friends.
Then I broke my leg in a racing accident. Back to square one, put on a stone and a half in the space of a year, had no job, friends were busy with uni so only played football once a week if we could. I never really considered the gym, and my friends and I were just messing around about how I got a bit chubby, and I realised I must do something before it gets worse.
One of them convinced me to join up, but it was to do weightlifting. He said that was the best way to burn fat, but I couldn't be bothered as it was too much hassle, after a week I was thinking about packing it in. Only to realise £18 was taken out of my account that month.
So I thought, fuck it, I'll give it a shot. I dedicated myself, started eating more healthily, went to the gym at least 5 times a week, doing running, cycling and few weights. It's the best I felt in a long time! I had free time so I could do it constantly apart from the two days that I did for work. I was loving it, taking it seriously, and even got my friend who was obsessed with weights into cardio. From March-June I was constantly doing 30 minutes of cycling at 85-100 rpm, and running at 11-12kph for half an hour, with the odd weights.
But then problems hit, I couldn't run anymore as I started to get some sort of pain in my left leg, I tried to push on, but then I thought rest it and comeback. The doctor said it would take 2 weeks to recover, I went to the gym 3 weeks after, fine for the first 3 days, only for the pain to come back. Rested it, same happened again, this time I took 6 weeks off. Back to normal woohoo!!!
Then I just got lazy, and lost my rythm, plus when that was going on, I started doing overtime to save up for my car, so didn't really have the time, and now unversity's started.
I've started back up again, but I'm nowhere near the level that I was. I only do 20 minutes of cycling, and 15 minutes of running at 9-9.5kph. Hoping to finally shift this last half stone maybe a bit more, but I think coursework and then exams will get in the way. Even a 40min workout should be fine for at least 3-4 days a week.
Bit of a life story, but what the hell