Guest writers wanted for 2015 Grand Prix discussion threads


Staff Member
It's that time of year where we beg ask members if they would like to be involved with writing the GP discussion threads, primarily because I can't be bothered don't have the time.

Writing GP discussion threads are a great way of increasing your like and featured thread count, which could lead to big prizes*.

They can be as serious or as witty as you like; all we ask is that you try and post a few paragraphs, rather than a few lines.
This is especially important if the thread is going to be featured.

We have a minimum two week lead time for most threads, the exception being the back to back races, which is obviously the Sunday evening after the preceding GP and seven days prior to the next race, and the first race which is three weeks before.
The dates below therefore are the latest dates by which the threads must be posted. They can of course be posted earlier than these dates, if you wish.

Please do not apply if you are unable to have the thread posted no later than the dates below.

If anyone wants to volunteer to write one or more threads for this season, please say.
If someone has already put their name forward for a particular GP (or several), feel free to request the same one; the final list can be agreed amongst all participants.

Please use this format for thread titles: 2015 Australian Grand Prix Practice, Qualifying & Race Discussion

* Not really.

Last edited by Brogan 20/4/15 to avoid embarrassment
A little early but the Oz PQR thread is up as I have a busy weekend ahead. I'll sort the quiz out shortly.
I was looking at more of the early season ones but with things being what they are in the house of cider at the moment, March and April are a little tied up.
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