Movies Film Thread

Has anyone watched 'Rare Exports' or 'Little Otik'. Was lent them by a bloke at work who has a weird taste in films. He wouldn't even explain what 'Little Otik' is about. Just grinned.

He came in this morning took one look at me and said, 'Oh I see you haven't watched it yet.'

I'm nervous.

Maybe watch it tomorrow. Maybe with several whiskys. :unsure:
Just finished watching 'Little Otik' that is some creepy weird shit.

On a weirdness scale of 1 to 10 that gets a 17.
Trying to think of any film I have seen that is weirder. I guess Pans Labyrinth is the closest thing. Close but no cigar.

Czech fairy tales are very odd. I think I might be having strange dreams tonight.

If you like 'weird' you should look this up.
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Just finished watching The Damned United. I'm not sure if it's 100% accurate but it does feel real and the main actor gives a terrific performance. If you have't seen it, take a look at it, it's very entertaining, even if you don't care about football as most "action" mainly happens outside the pitch
It's a great film. Aabout 25% percent truth but that doesn't matter too much.

You can find the full Clough v Revvie interview on Youtube. Well worth watching.
The Grand Budapest Hotel

One word: weird.
Its a good film though. And by that I mean its incredibly entertaining. Not once during that movie did I ever feel the urge to look at my phone or start reading something, I was surprisingly captivated. Probably because I was on an airplane with literally nothing else to do but you know, minor details.

Anyways I've watched a few films over my winter break, some Tarantinos in Reservoir Dogs and Django Unchained, lots of language, blood and violence, but two good films. Reservoir Dogs was good but Django Unchained was fantastic. Didn't take itself too seriously but kept it serious enough to pull the entertaining moments into a great, coherent film.

Art of Flight is a Red Bull snowboarding film and if you're into that stuff then its a must watch. Even if you're not (I'm not) its pretty entertaining and has some great scenery and visually stunning shots, good music, good to have on while working on something.

Finally I watched Trainspotting, I'm sure a few of you have already seen it with a lot of you being both British and older than me but if you haven't seen it you must. Might be my favorite film of all time.
Trainspotting is a classic - it was in my video collection, but I must have OD'd (pun not intended) on it originally, because I have never bothered to replace it on DVD. Interestingly, aside from Ewan Mcgregor, it also features the voice of Soap McTavish (Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 & 3 - the guy who played Tommy), and Elementary's version of Sherlock Holmes (Sick Boy - Johnny Lee Miller).

This weekend I picked up Edge of Tomorrow, and was more than pleasantly surprised to find it to be a thoroughly fine film indeed (for those of us who like a well-done action/sci-fi film, at least) - sort of Groundhog Day meets Starship Troopers, only much better than that description implies.
Worth reading the book for Trainspotting as well as the sequel Porno. You definitely see more of the characters once you get your head around the language. It is written in Scottish which does take some getting used to. Great film though, I used to have the Choose Life speech poster on my bedroom wall.

Edge of Tomorrow wasn't too bad. Not spectacular though, would put it more in line with Source Code
I just watched 'Cool hand Luke' last night for the first time. 1967 with Paul Newman. Good film.

I had a 'Wow, is that where thats from' moment.

I was a big 'Guns n Roses' fan growing up and the track 'Civil War' has a line at the start of it 'What we have here is failure to communicate, some men you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week, which is way he wants, well he gets.'

And that line is the captains speech in the film. The weird thing was I have listened to the track so often I realised the link on about the 5th word.

George Kennedy the captain from Police Squad / Naked gun was in it as well. Which I found distracting, never seen him in anything else until that moment.

Worth a watch.

I've been looking for a movie i've seen when i was a kid. The thing i remember was that it was about two guys and a girl. The girls parents where in a Egyptian sect where I think the father wore a mask of Seth and all the other where bald with a green pigtail.
I remeber a scene where one of the guys get struck by a dart in which he had a hallucination about a refrigerator where the food came to live. Also the girl dies i the end, I think.

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