Movies Film Thread

If they took the diamond hunt out of Titanic then yeah you could agree that the bad guys win in the end. The original Posiedon adventure had the self sacrifice and then people escaped.

They even extended the plot line of Pearl Harbour just so they could include the good guys winning at the end.
Out of interest, ff you read the original Posiedon Adventure book, most of the passangers and crew escape from both ends of the ship. The original film has a much higher body count however, in the film you don't see the number of dead, badly burnt and mutilated bodies described in the book.
We just got around to watching "2012" last night and it is a complete POS. For a disaster film to work, you have to actually care about the characters, but in this film, they annoyed us more than anything, so whether they survived or not didn't matter to us. It is totally dependent upon special effects to hold your attention, and they aren't that good.

Do yourself a favour and avoid seeing this turkey.
Unfortunately I have already seen it and have regretted watching that POS ever since, I think I may go to a hypnotist to see if he can put in a memory block about the whole occurrence...
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Just watched the wolf of wall street. Great fun fill, bit unbelievable at times but all based on true events. It's a film that seems to divide opinions though. Its a nice biopic where you can turn your brain off and enjoy the ride
We watched the 1951 version of "A Christmas Carol" starring Alistair Sim last Friday. An excellent film, just enough special effects to help move the story on without being intrusive.
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