F1 is so contrived now it's ridiculous.
They attempt to save costs in some areas (engines, gearboxes, personnel, etc.) but not others (tyres, flying back and forth across the globe, no cap on spending).
They claim to be the pinnacle of motorsport and utilise technology found on road cars yet stifle innovation and ban anything which does eventually find its way onto road cars.
Besides which, when was the last time anyone saw a single seater open wheeled road car which can do 350KPH on tyres which last 20 kilometres, with no ABS, KERS which can only be used for 6 seconds every 2 minutes and an engine which revs to 18,000 RPM?
And don't get me started on the absolute farce that is DRS. The rules with regards to using that couldn't be more contrived and artificial if they tried. At least now they have aligned qualifying and race use.
The next step should be to kill it dead. Then burn it. Then bury it in a deep hole. Forever.
F1 is trying to be all things to all men and failing. Badly.
It's a load of fucking bollocks!
(I was going to do a thread about this a few weeks ago but could never word it exactly how I wanted it to come across.)
Edit: Moved to a new thread.
They attempt to save costs in some areas (engines, gearboxes, personnel, etc.) but not others (tyres, flying back and forth across the globe, no cap on spending).
They claim to be the pinnacle of motorsport and utilise technology found on road cars yet stifle innovation and ban anything which does eventually find its way onto road cars.
Besides which, when was the last time anyone saw a single seater open wheeled road car which can do 350KPH on tyres which last 20 kilometres, with no ABS, KERS which can only be used for 6 seconds every 2 minutes and an engine which revs to 18,000 RPM?
And don't get me started on the absolute farce that is DRS. The rules with regards to using that couldn't be more contrived and artificial if they tried. At least now they have aligned qualifying and race use.
The next step should be to kill it dead. Then burn it. Then bury it in a deep hole. Forever.
F1 is trying to be all things to all men and failing. Badly.
It's a load of fucking bollocks!
(I was going to do a thread about this a few weeks ago but could never word it exactly how I wanted it to come across.)
Edit: Moved to a new thread.