Driver Numbers

If a driver retires is there a period before the number can be used again? One or two seasons maybe?
They keep their number for the rest of their career.
So presumably, until they officially announce their retirement, the number can't be reused.

Good job the system wasn't in place when Schumacher retired-returned-retired.
So if they retire and comeback then they would need a new number. I suppose it will help should a World Champion retire as we will not have to have a 0 anymore.
Although as the same driver had the Zero Westy you could argue it was unique to that driver.

I imagine we won't see a zero ever again.....unless Josh Hill makes it to F1.
I don't like that its for life. Why can't they change? People change, as do their preferences. Just make them keep the same number for a whole season.
Would a WDC give up his number?

I think not - many drivers are very superstitious and would be horrified if they had to relinquish their 'lucky number'.
soccerman17 The point of doing it was so the drivers could build a brand around their numbers. You can't really do that if the numbers change every year, which is why the system was changed in the first place.
sushifiesta I understand that, but what if a driver wishes to change their brand? Do you really think Kvyat wants to build around 26? Why not let them change as long as nobody is already using that number, if they so wish? Its a driver number lets not over regulate it here. If a driver wants to keep a number and build a brand he may, but if he doesn't want to then don't make him. Simple as that.
Maybe when Vettel loses the No.1 he can change his number every race, like he does with his helmets. That would piss everyone off wouldn't it :-D
Rossi has settled on 53 as his driver number.

He originally chose 16 but was told it was a 'Red Bull reserve number'.

I wasn't aware teams could do that?
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