DC, Lewis, Stacking and Holding Up

I nearly spilt my cocoa when he said that Vettel would get off with his actions as he had no prior record of that sort of activity.....

.....that was why I always hummed "pass the Germy on the left hans side" whenever he was on pole.....

I almost spilt my cocoa when I read this line Geoff.

As for DC's commentary during Lewis' puncture, it was borderline ridiculous.
Was it a big deal? Nope!

I agree that in isolation it isn't a big deal, but if he's constantly knocking one driver, while bigging up a team that he drove for, then it is a big deal. He's not the commentator I get, so he doesn't annoy me that much, I just get to hear him when watching YouTube and wonder what he's going on about.
To be honest I didn't know Hamilton had a puncture then either so :dunno:

Thinking Coulthard's getting unfair criticism as he always has, I always find him telling the situation how it no matter who it is, okay this time he got it wrong, but he straightaway cut in apologised to Martin Whitmarsh before Whitmarsh answered Jake's question.

Like I said, I have always found him to be fair and neutral when commentating and not biased either way.
I agree that in isolation it isn't a big deal, but if he's constantly knocking one driver, while bigging up a team that he drove for, then it is a big deal. He's not the commentator I get, so he doesn't annoy me that much, I just get to hear him when watching YouTube and wonder what he's going on about.

For a corporation supposedly priding itself on its neutrality, it is skin-crawling to hear David Coulthard claim that Vettel has no history of aggression off the start line. This is not a Daily Fail style anti-BBC rant, but you would think they could find someone not currently employed by a competitor.

Btw, love the signature Mezzer!

Mezzer said:
And the Lord said "Worrieth not, thou dost not need to get up at ungodly hours to watch the GP, for thou hast the DVR set to record automatically in HD and can watcheth thereof when thou hast risen at a far more agreeable hour." And there was much rejoicing, for it was so.
Thinking Coulthard's getting unfair criticism as he always has, I always find him telling the situation how it no matter who it is, okay this time he got it wrong, but he straightaway cut in apologised to Martin Whitmarsh before Whitmarsh answered Jake's question.
Hi didn't apologise on air to the fans.

I don't watch the waste of air time which is the forum, so once again I am left with an opinion of Coulthard which is all his own doing.

His bias is plain for all to see/hear.
The way he fawns over Vettel is embarrassing, not to mention how he constantly praises Red Bull.

His employment with Red Bull is at odds with being an impartial commentator.
Hi didn't apologise on air to the fans.

I don't watch the waste of air time which is the forum, so once again I am left with an opinion of Coulthard which is all his own doing.

His bias is plain for all to see/hear.
The way he fawns over Vettel is embarrassing, not to mention how he constantly praises Red Bull.

His employment with Red Bull is at odds with being an impartial commentator.

To be fair, there was a lot of action, and I think he should get applauded for apologising as he does many times on air and off air for his mistakes, which many don't do.

Yes he constantly praises Vettel and Red Bull, but so do the rest of the BBC team.

If you want to talk about "fawning" 2009 was the classic one with Button and Brawn, or you could go a year or two back with ITV fawning over Hamilton.

I am not a fan of either of the drivers or teams mentioned above, but I think Coulthard and Brundle "fawn" over Button more than Vettel.
Ted Kravitz explained about the puncture immediately after Coulthard made the false allegation.

He had ample time to apologise there and then.

1 hour 17 minutes to 1 hour 18 minutes:

With Brundle talking constantly, team radio playing, and then the pitstop action? Think you are being a bit harsh, he was man enough to apologise in the first place, think we should give him the benefit of the doubt since a lot happens during commentray, he looked back at what he said and apologised, that's good enough for me.
He apologised in the full BBC F1 Japanese Grand Prix programme, which wasn't shown in the afternoon replay, funnily enough, it's in the link that you just gave me...
I remember that GP in Spa when Raikkonen was stacking the pack up at the start of the pit lane so Montoya could have his pit stop and Raikkonen wouldn't lose any positions. At the time i thought it was a good tactic from the team, but now i can see it could have caused a series crash in the Pit Lane.
Much as I do think Coulthard does show bias but also that we're being overly harsh with him on this matter.

Also, we all know of his links and after this much time has passed I suspect the majority of viewers do as well.

As for the idea that comentators shouldn't be biased I suggest everyone look back at old footage of Hunt / Walker commentaries... they could be very biased (particularly when Hunt was commenting on Patrese) but are now seen as a golden age.

I happen to think bias is acceptable and that I'm intelligent enough to recognise it...
Go back to last year or even earlier, and I said then Coulthard should not have been given the job due to a conflict of interest.

He hasn't given me any reason since then to regret making that assertion.
Go back to last year or even earlier, and I said then Coulthard should not have been given the job due to a conflict of interest.

He hasn't given me any reason since then to regret making that assertion.
Fair do's - but I could accept the argument more easily if there had been any advantage to Red Bull
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