Caterham (formerly Lotus)

Team Lotus

FIA Entry: Team Lotus
Car 20: Heikki Kovaleinen
Car 21: Jarno Trulli
Engine: Renault V8
Team Principal: Tony Fernandes
Technical Director: Mike Gascoyne
Race Engineer Car 20: Juan Pablo Ramirez
Race Engineer Car 21: Gianluca Pisanello

Stats as of end 2010

First Entered 2010
Races Entered 20
Race Wins 0
Pole Positions 0
Fastest Laps 0
Driver World Championships 0
Constructor World Championships 0

Team Lotus

Tony Fernandes' 1Malaysia F1 team lay claim to one of the most iconic names in F1, Team Lotus. Team Lotus, under the guidance of one of the greatest innovators in F1 Colin Chapman, was in F1 from 1958 to 1994. They took part in 491 Grands Prix, winning 73 races, 7 Constructors Titles, 6 Drivers Championships, 102 poles and 65 fastest laps. During this time some of the greatest F1 drivers drove for Team Lotus including Jim Clark, Stirling Moss, Ayrton Senna, Graham Hill, Emerson Fittipaldi, Jochen Rindt and Nigel Mansell.

2010 Team Lotus

With the support of the Malaysian government via Proton cars and two Malaysian Companies, Tune and Naza Groups, Tony Fernandes entered F1 under the Team Lotus name. Using Cosworth engines and Xtrac gearboxes Lotus signed up experienced drivers for their first season in F1 with Heikki Kovaleinen and Jarno Trulli.

The cars proved reasonably reliable although not quick enough to threaten the mid-field teams. Kovaleinen managed Lotus’ best finish with a 12th place in Japan and the team, based on count back of non-points scoring finishes, were placed 10th in the Constructors Championship – the best of the new teams for 2010.


Lotus announced during 2010 that they would switch to Renault engines for 2011 along with Red Bull gearbox and hydraulic technology. The same driver line up is retained and they will use the T128 chassis.

Whether the team continue to use the Lotus name will be decided in the British High Court. Proton, owners of the Group Lotus name, have moved their allegiance to the former Renault team although ownership of the Team Lotus name is in dispute as this was owned by David Hunt, brother of 1976 World Champion James and sold to Fernandes.
Once they have KERS next season, they will catch up to the tail end of the midfield, i think, they will have the red bull kers. I think they've picked off where 94 lotus left off in the same spirit, not challenging for championships, however many will undoubtbly disagree
I still think they'll end up being called Caternham eventually - this Lotus thing is too confusing.

I think what Lotus need is to bring in someone young and fiesty who's going to push the team along. I just get the feeling that if the mechanics had someone on their back going "COME ON!! make me go faster!" they might push it a bit more. Trulli just likes to sit at back and moan and Kovi is far too nice for his own good.

Bianchi maybe? he'd have something to prove.
Well there getting there but you have to say that Renault/Lotus/Benneton thing that Petrov was driving was pretty awful this weekend so I don't think they'll shout about it too much.

They do have KERS coming next year which should speed them up a bit but next years Catterham team really need to make that leap to tag on the back on that fighting pack otherwise they may start losing sponsors

This team gradually grows, I am not expecting miracles next season, some say the KERS will elevate them up to midfield territory, they were off the pace the majority of the time around 0.5-0.7s. KERS roughly brings 0.3s, add a tenth or two for design, I can see them just lagging behind a little from the last of the midfielders.

Closer than this season, but not close enough.
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