Technical Can we talk about the Halo?

F1's Halo Device?

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I really don't mind them improving driver safety, although I question the incidents which have brought this in to the spotlight, but this really isn't very elegant. I bet Adrian Newey already has a number of different ideas about how he can use it to get another 10th off the lap time with some flicks and tricks.
Perhaps the F1 boffins can start getting all technical in the art of camouflage. If they can make it disappear whilst still being there I don't have a problem with it.;)
I don't care about the aestetics of the design. I only questions its purpose as a safety feature. It can stop a tire, but can it stop a spring or other debris, such as suspension parts. The answer is no, it can't the probabilty is quite low, in some cases, debris may even be deflected and hit the driver.
F1 is a show, the introduction of the device is a show, to show people that something is being done to increase the drivers safety; a scapegoat to avoid further critisism in case of another accident such as Bianchis. However, it is already a piece that belongs in a museum not on an F1 car.
They have resolved the Bianchi problem by having the VSC to control speed when a service vehicle is close to the track. I agree on the debris issue, and the one incident we have had (with Massa) would not have been different with this device, although Jenson was very lucky with the drain cover in Monaco a few years ago.

I think Brundle hit the nail on the head during one of his interviews at the British GP. If there were an accident where a driver was hit in the head and injured or killed and the FIA had tested and proven that there was something available which could have prevented his then a) the insurance wouldn't pay out b) premiums would sky rocket or no insurer would offer cover until it was introduced and c) the FIA would most likely be sued by the family of the driver for many millions which would put the whole of motor sport in jeopardy. It's a no win situation for them.
Yet if drivers were asked "would you race without it?" Would there be a full grid at the start of the season?
It's a waste.
Yes, without a doubt. When 5 or more drivers used to die in a season there was a queue waiting to take their place. However, we know Bianchi's family looked at taking action against the FIA. Frank Williams had to keep away from Italy for a couple of seasons after Senna pegged it (?) as the Italian legal system has to find someone legally responsible for an "unusual" death.

Given how litigious society is nowadays the lawyers would have a field day suing anyone involved in F1 with a heart beat if someone were to be injured "when it could have been prevented".
Yes, without a doubt. When 5 or more drivers used to die in a season there was a queue waiting to take their place. However, we know Bianchi's family looked at taking action against the FIA. Frank Williams had to keep away from Italy for a couple of seasons after Senna pegged it (?) as the Italian legal system has to find someone legally responsible for an "unusual" death.

Given how litigious society is nowadays the lawyers would have a field day suing anyone involved in F1 with a heart beat if someone were to be injured "when it could have been prevented".

So what happens if someone is injured or killed because of the halo?
A peculiar thought crossed my mind today. Is the Halo likely to create the same problems that Steve Martin's Opti-Grab glasses from the movie The Jerk did?

So, are you sitting comfortably children? Then I will begin.

Steve Martin is a down and out who invents the Opti-Grab which is a handle and nose brake to fit to glasses. This investment makes him a fortune until he is successfully sued by a man who claims that the device fitted to his glasses have made him boss eyed. There are then several more lawsuits all of which end up with Martin becoming bankrupt and going back to his life as a street bum and drifter before the invention.


What chance the drivers all end up boss eyed after using "The Halo"? Even the name is shite isn't it?
I have seen almost every Steve Martin film but that one.

As for the Halo, I hate it but it's happening so we better get used to it.

I await the first driver to be trapped in an upturned car.

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