Technical Can we talk about the Halo?

F1's Halo Device?

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I always thought F1 was an open cockpit class, or am I missing something. Motor racing is dangerous and although improved safety is commendable do we have to sterilise it completely.

I know this is of topic, but I thought of you this morning, when the BBC told us New Zealand is expecting the storm of all storms ?
Will they have one for every race like a bag for life or have to pay 5p for each carrier bag like is standard now.

It's not very see through is it?
I have a problem with the whole concept:

If the need for a halo is to deflect the one-in-a-million rogue flying wheel or suspension spring or whatever hitting a driver in the face, then should we not consider the one in a million chance of said flying rogueness being deflected into the crowd?

If Massa had a halo back in Hungary 2009 maybe that spring would have ended up somewhere even less pleasant than his helmet.
this for me is in the class of if we have too then, this I don't I mind this probally best of bad bunch. as I feel like we wont notice it after a while. although I will add that I believe it might get stopped on safety grounds. because there is no way vettel got out that car anywhere close to required exit time
How long into next season will it be before the halo is blamed for a driver crashing due to it affecting a drivers vision?

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